If you’ve never read my scribblings and rants — in other words, you’ve not been exposed to my blogs before, you may want to peruse the “About” and “Welcome” pages just above the header. It might save you from unpleasantness later on, in the Comments.
And for the old-timers and Loyal Readers of yore: welcome to my back porch once again. Pull up a chair, grab yourself a drink at the bar over there, smoke ’em if you got ’em, and enjoy yourself. Just mind your manners, as always. (If you want, feel free to look at those same pages too, just to refresh yer memories…)
My new Tech Support (BobbyK, for those who remember him as a commenter at the old blogs) is an ultra-geek with unbelievably nasty system skills, and owns lots of guns. He’s been a good friend over the years, and for some reason feels very protective towards me, this blog and my previous Tech Support’s memory. He has the keys to my kingdom and therefore my absolute trust. Believe me: you do NOT want to fuck with this man, who will be prowling through the Comments like a tiger with toothache.
With all that said, now is the time to celebrate… enjoy what follows.
It’s good to see you blogging again, Kim, though I wish it could be under better circumstances. Your writing has been a bright spot on the internet and I’m looking forward to seeing it again.
Welcome back, Kim. I think the last I had heard of you was the podcast you did for a while with Connie. I’m sad to hear she is gone, but look forward to reading your opinions again.
Life moves on. I hope your children are well. In my case, my daughter has recently presented me with my first grandchild. I hope your family and your extended blog family can be a comfort to you as you move forward.
Glad you’re back, Kim. I’m sorry that your wife left untimely, and wish it wasn’t so.
The only offering I have at the moment is the “poetic blessing” from *Braveheart:*
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Um, that’s not “from Braveheart”. It’s about 2500 years older than that. The “poetic blessing” is from the Bible — Numbers 6:24-26, specifically.
I knew that, but thanks for pointing it out for those who weren’t aware that “Uncle Argyle” from the movie was quoting the Bible. (although, if we’re going to quibble origin, Argyle would have spoken the passage in Latin, since the Bible in use at the time was the Vulgate).
Wonderful to have you back, Kim, although I was devastated to hear about Connie. Courage.
Welcome back, Kim!
I’ve got you splashed all over the front page of Daily Pundit, FWIW.
Many thanks, Bill. Always good to know you have friends in the blogworld — and it seems I have more than a few.
Welcome back, Kim!
I do wish Neptunus Lex was still around, I would have relished a discussion between the two of you. But may this new blogging outing bring you what you need and desire!
I expect you’ll be getting a lot of these “condolences and welcome back” comments, so I’ll just add mine here.
Your voice has been sorely missed, and I’m looking forward to many years of reading your commentary on our current, interesting times:-/.
Also, I hope the gout has gotten better!
Welcome back! Just so you know(sarc) I had to sign up for a WordPress account to comment here.
Best of luck in you future endeavors.
Glad to see you back writing, I look forward to reading what comes in the future… BobbyK is a good man to be sure, but I still plan on fucking with him, it is the best way to properly express my love!
Just remember that I’m a huge believe in disproportionate responses.
Welcome back. I’ve missed your writings.
My condolences on your loss
My sincere condolences on Connie’s passing. I wish you health, strength, and peace.
Thank you all for your kind words and support. Trust me, it means a lot.
Your (newly-returned) presence on-line is deeply appreciated and most warmly welcomed, Sir du Toit…
My most sincere condolences on your recent loss of your clearly-deeply-beloved Connie – I say in all sincerity that I truly know something of the depths of that loss, and of how you must now feel; I lost my own Very Best Friend in all the Earth, under all-too-similar circumstances, on (Traditional) Veterans’ Day, in 2008. I can readily say to you that, in defiance to what many might say – it (unfortunately) does not really get “better” (as there truly is no vestige of “good” in such loss), although it will – with time – become “less-bad”…of course, you quite likely already know that full-well. Be Well, and at Peace.
I am pretty often to be found hanging ’round Bill Quick’s joint, pleased to be privileged to poke-in $0.02-worth now and again, and to gum-up the Commentary thereabouts rather-windily at times, as well. As somewhat of a “late-adopter” in the Blogiverse and the Blogosphere, I had just barely begun to experience awareness of your writings Of Old, when…you were gone away, off-line. I am therefore enjoying (as are, no doubt, many, many others) your return to the online community…
Let the Better Times roll!
Thankee, JSB.
Kim, my sincere condolences on the loss of Connie.
Just. Damn.
I’m now more certain than ever that my visit in Jan. of 2014 was the right moment in time.
And just so you know, I’m about as adamant as a “non-registration” commenter as exists, and am happy beyond words that you’ve not succumbed to the whore that is “Discus”, or whatever they call it now. But for you, sir. I registered. Happily so, in fact.
Be it over coffee in the morning, or bourbon late at night. I do look forward to whatever emerges from your keyboard, onto my screen.
You’ve been sorely missed, my friend.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Thankee, Jim. And give my love to Irish.
Very sorry to hear of your loss. Very happy that your back on the Blog. The Other Side was one of my favorites back in the day. A sad day when you had to shut it down.
And now you’re back…hopefully as ornery as ever.
Looking forward to seeing what comes next.
Be strong, time will help.
Current sucky circumstances aside, you have no idea how *good* it is to ‘see’ you after all these years.
Carry on, good sir!
Geeky, and it’s no less fine to see your smiling avatar again.
Condolences, and peace be upon you in this your time of grief. It is good, however, to see you back on the internet.
Hey, it worked! I’m in!
Glad to have you back, Kim, and again, I’m so sorry for your loss. Keep your chin up!
Joining the crowd in both a sincere welcome back, and condolences for your loss.
You’ve been missed. And we are looking forward to what comes next.
Cannot add anything but +1 to the above comments. We are diminished. If I had a magic wand to use that would set it all right again, I would. Moving forward…
Welcome back! So good to see you back in the ring. You are stronger than they know. You were kind enough to respond to my email back in November of 2004 (ye gods, has it been that long?). I have kept my Kim Du Toit folder in my email program in the hope that you might someday return. Carry on, sir.
It’s very nice to see you back.