Warning Bells

The Intarwebz connection Over Here has become somewhat unsteady again. Two posts have already been swallowed and sent to the Black Cave of British (so-called) Telecom. Please bear with me while I… never mind, these pricks have no sense of humor when it comes to murmurs of discontent.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to practice doing something.

Update: Looks like I may have to errrr untie the ropes. The problem may have been on my end, as I discovered earlier today when my laptop bricked on me. Dead battery, requiring trip to amazon.co.uk. Battery price:

  • In the U.S.(delivered next day): $70
  • Over Here (7-10-day delivery, no other option): $106.

(Rant to follow.)

In the meantime, my apologies to the families of the BT workers dangling from the tree in the backyard. My bad.


  1. Hangman’s noose? Where is the lamp post and whom do you want to adorn said post with today? The Trumpster just canned Scarmuccci so there goes the Italian connection. Although it could have been the new chief of staff as reports are not clear as yet.

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