One of my favorite ad campaigns of all time was that of Smirnoff during the 1970s. Basically, the formula was a series of ads using the riff of “I thought or did [x], until I discovered Smirnoff.” Here’s one example:


Other examples include:
- “I thought Cunnilingus was the Irish airline, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
- “I thought Wanking was a city in China, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
- “I thought the Salvation Army came from Salvatia, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
- “I thought a ménage à trois was a French dish, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
- “I thought crabs meant soft-shell, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
- “I thought Fellatio was an admiral in the Royal Navy, until I discovered Smirnoff.”
…and so on. The lines could be innocuous like the ones in the pictures, or else as racy as the others listed. Whatever their bent, they were all hilarious, and the theme is actually timeless (the mark of truly great advertising).
Feel free to add your own suggestions on the same theme, in Comments — e.g. “I thought the Clinton Foundation was a charity, until I discovered Smirnoff.”