Not Wanting

If ever anyone were to ask you the question, “Why is Kim steadfastly refusing to dive into the dating pool again?”, this would be one of the good reasons why:

Sexually-transmitted diseases continue to hit all-time highs in the U.S. with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting a 10 percent spike for chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in 2017. The federal health agency said in a report released Tuesday that the numbers, which include nearly 2.3 million new cases of the aforementioned diseases, reflect a “steep, sustained increase” in STDs since 2013.

And as to why I would never date a young woman (other than psycho-social reasons), there’s this little nugget in the study:

While primary and secondary syphilis diagnoses went up by 76 percent, chlamydia remained the most commonly reported to the CDC with nearly half of the new cases occurring in females ages 15-to-24.

Given the increasing fascination with “dating apps” such as Tinder (even, regrettably, amongst men and women of my age group), it will be a cold day in Hell before I dip my wick into that little vat of social battery acid.

5 Worst Dietary “Facts”

According to this study*:

  • Lowfat / skim milk is better for you than full-cream milk
  • Saturated fats in your diet will cause heart problems
  • Margarine is better for you than butter or lard
  • Red meat is bad for you
  • The government and health scolds know what the fuck they’re talking about

*Next week, another study will probably come out and disprove this one.  Caveat lector.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a breakfast of steak ‘n eggs (fried in butter).  And a full glass of half ‘n half to wash it down.

Quote Of The Day

“Every time identity politics has been used by any faction in human history for any reason violence eventually follows. No matter how detailed and intricate the justification, no matter how reasonable it can be made to sound as a way to correct for unequal social conditions and historical injustice, it always ends in the same foul basement of mutual fear, loathing, and depravity.” — William Ray

Follow the link and read how “wealth privilege” has been turned into “White privilege”.


You would have to have a heart of stone not to burst into delighted laughter at this story:

Last weekend, the man told his wife he was going out drinking with work colleagues, when in reality he was travelling to a motel on the outskirts of town.

Now go read the rest.

That’s The Whole Point

I never tire of pointing out to people that Leftism is the only socio-political philosophy in which intent is adjudged superior to consequence.  In simpler terms, it means that quotes like this are on the money:

“It is amazing how far the left will go to hide the truth. Identity politics is killing this country’s competitiveness in the world and all the left cares about is quotas.”
Posted by: Ted | Aug 25, 2018 11:09:44 AM

…but miss the point, in that Leftism doesn’t care about the malevolent consequences of identity politics because the “intent” behind said politics is noble, and therefore whatever happens thereafter is irrelevant (see:  Mao’s Great Leap Forward, Stalin’s destruction of the kulaks, Pol Pot’s forced agrarianism, etc. ad infinitum).  In other, still-simpler words, it’s not amazing;  it’s policy.

Communistatis delenda est.