For the next week or so the press coverage is going to be “all-Kavanaugh / Blasey-Ford-all-the-time”, so I thought I could bring forward yet another example of conservative hijinks molestation of womyns:
Wake me up when it’s all over and Brett Kavanaugh is seated on the Supreme Court, willya?
No wonder he was known as Silent Cal; I wouldn’t wolf about it either….
Has anyone else seen the preview of the movie that made about a young Ginsberg? Not even dead yet and they are trying to canonize her. Sheesh.
Natzofast Guido, can I call you Guido? I have it from an unimpeachable source that not only did Judge Cavanaugh (a transparent attempt at disguise) brain Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with a monkey wrench currently secreted in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall’s back porch, but also that the Notorious RBG first claimed that Lincoln patted her ass when she was a congressional pagette. Given their relative heights that would have been quite a stretch for the GOP stringbean, just sayin’…
Yeah, Kim, it’s all fun and games until a US Senator and his wife get harassed by a mob.
Over / under until there’s an assassination? I’ll take 2 weeks.