I can’t remember who wrote it, but I love the expression that autumn is the time when “climate” returns to “weather” in the Meejah. Yep, now that we’ve restored our clocks to their proper time and heavy snow has already fallen in the mountains of Europe, we should (I hope) be spared the usual screaming and wailing about Climactic Apocalypse every time the temperature gets above 85°F.
There are no guarantees to the above, of course, because the slippery charlatans in the Climate Apocalypse Industry somehow manage to make abnormally-cold temperatures and / or heavy snowfalls a consequence of anthropological Glueball Wormening as well. [eyecross]
Well, I’ll take it while I can. At least during the non-summer months there’s a lower risk that I’m going to punch some hippy in the face when they moan that sofa cushions are causing glaciers to melt, or something.
I say we should invite Al Gore to Texas to give a series of speeches about global warming. At least that way we’ll be guaranteed a decent supply of Polar Vortexes / Alberta Clippers / Blue Northers down here to make up for the brutal summer we just had.
I can’t wait. And if we have an unusually-warm winter this time round, I’m gonna be pissed. I may have to flay an enviroweenie, just to release the frustration.
“…heavy snow has already fallen in the mountains of Europe…”
and unless my eyes deceive me looking south from western NV towards Death Valley CA, so has it powdered the peaks of the Sierra Nevada in and around Mt. Whitney.