So the Grauniad discovers that rich people fund political issues. (Quick: Alert The Media! Oh, wait…)
Of course, being the Lefty bastards that they are, the Grauniad deplores that fact that most billionaires are in fact quite conservative — e.g. rich people don’t want their heirs to pay estate taxes; quelle surprise! Where the liberal rag indulges in its usual mendacity is that it classifies opposition to measures like the estate tax as “unpopular” — which is true if you’re a socialist like they all are, but in fact the estate tax is enormously unpopular in the United States, as poll after poll will tell you (if you do the research, which the Grauniad didn’t).
In fact, the estate tax is unpopular even amongst Americans who will likely never have to pay the tax themselves, which no doubt horrifies the Left because a.) those stupid peasants haven’t swallowed all the Left’s lies about the Eeeevil Rich and b.) said peasants think that the estate tax is wrong in that it’s simply coercive wealth redistribution.
Maybe the estate tax is generally popular in Britain — I wouldn’t be surprised — but all the numbers they quote come from the United States, so that’s the usual Lefty misrepresenting of data to reflect their dogma rather than actual, you know, reality. There’s only one solution to these socialist bastards and their lying: