Sorry for the late post, but I was recovering.
Fact is, I got married yesterday to my first-ever girlfriend Angie, after over forty-odd years apart. Here we are as teenage sweethearts:
Yes, that’s my genuine boys’-boarding-school haircut on display.
This was a much-older Kim & Angie, after dinner at III Forks in Dallas, last night:
How we got back together again is a long and rather boring tale, and I may share it with y’all some time in the future.
We were married by the Reverend-Doctor Combat Controller at Doc Russia’s house, surrounded by my family and that of Bobby K (Tech Support II), and by the miracle of Teh Intarwebz, with Angie’s family in Johannesburg, London and Melbourne as well.
So there was a woman out there willing to put up with all my nonsense, after all. I just had to go back to South Africa to find her.
Mazel tov.
Live long and prosper.
Nanu nanu
Congratulations Brother! I wish Angie and you all of the happiness in the world. I guess that she read your blog entry from some time back that said “I need a wife to keep me from getting locked out of the house” and took pity on your sorry self. I know that I’d like to hear the story as tales of love and happiness are all too rare these days.
Good move Kim, quite what’s in it for Angie though…….
Best wishes to you both, and please regale us with the story of how it all happened when you can.
Congratulations! Best wishes and many happy years ahead.
Mazel Tov !!! (Toasts w/ a glass of my finest heirloom rye whiskey) You are indeed fortunate to have found love again after Connie’s passing. Live your lives together to the fullest. Grow old together.
Congratulations! Long Life and happiness to you both!
Congratulations, Kim! I wish you both the best!
Congratulations from myself and MoK!
Shall we award Angie a medal now, or wait to see what eventuates? A nicer, kinder, tolerant KdT?
I guess she knows the size of the (Herculean) task she is taking on.
One can tell that Angie is a Good Influence: KdT is wearing a tie to dinner (+ other garments of course).
Enough grumping. Best wishes to you both, and may you be favoured with many happy years ahead.
Congratulations, may blessings continue for you two forever.
Wow! Congratulations and Best Wishes to you both! I shall raise a whisky to you this evening.
Congrats, Kim.
Mazel Tov!
Well done, Kim. She’s a beauty!
Huzzah! Huzzah!
May you have as many happy years together as you have been apart. Good luck.
Ya did good, kid.
If she put up with your ass back then, she’ll put up with the mellower Kim now.
May the rest of your lives be happy with a lot of laughter.
Many congratulations to both of you. I wish you both great happiness. Hopefully she realizes what she’s signed up for! Good on ya!
Yay! Good for you, sir! Many blessings!
I’d love to hear the story.
You did warn us that you’d have something very different to tell us this Sunday.
I will add to the chorus.
Congratulations to you both.
Congrats Kim, I wish you and Angie a long and happy life together.
Congratulations! G-d’s blessings on your and Angie’s marriage. When you can, do regale us with the story of how you two came together.
“May your days be long and full of happiness. And may you live in peace and freedom”.
Cropped a bit but the sentiment works. Congratulations.
Congratulations! One of the seven blessings recited at Jewish weddings praises G-d for creating
“joy and celebration, bridegroom and bride, rejoicing, jubilation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and friendship.”
May you and Angie have all of that together.
Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
Holy Shit! You dog you! Sincere congratulations here!
You know I have to ask the most important question: can she shoot, and if so, what’s her preference?
Congratulations and best wishes to you both!
May you both be inordinately patient, ridiculously happy, and unexpectedly long-lived!!
Congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations to you and your Lady Wife. May your marriage be a long and happy one.
Many, many Congratulations to you both!
Shock, awe and congratulations to both of you! The wonders of this world never cease to provide joy.
Do keep up the dietary commentary, I can’t wait to see how things improve for Dr. Kim.
Starting a new life together, an outstanding if not remarkable way to start the New Year! Look forward to it being more years together as apart. Saludos!
Congratulations Kim, Many years of wedded bliss to ya.
Congratulations to you both!
Cheers and Congrats!
Congratulations! Had I known I’d have had a(nother) scotch last night in honor!
Congratulations to you both, here and elsewhere!
Now that you will certainly become a “kindler, gentler” Kim, that your wife will become a co-contributor, just to keep you on track?
No. She has no wish to become part of this rabble (my words), which just proves that she’s a nice person.
Now THAT was a bolt out of the blue! Congratulations to both of you.
Congratulations ~ What a fantastic story.
OMG! Congrats to the both of you!
Congratulations. Can’t wait to hear the story.
Congratularions! Together may you live long and prosper.
Congratulations Kim and Angie!
Congratulations to the new bride and groom! And I’m pleased that you have found happiness once again.
As a wise man once said, “May you live as long as you wish, and love as long as you live.”
Congrats!! Wonderful news.
Holy Smokes ! Now THIS is a surprise ! Congrats and blessings to you both. Any woman willing to wait 40 years is a keeper ! Hell any woman who can remember back 40 years is a keeper !
All the above. Doubled.
Mazel Tov you crazy kids!
May Mercury’s pitcher ever grace your table and may you be granted Philmone and Baucis last wish.
Congratulations from another one of the rabble
WOW! Congrats to you and condolences to her
Congratulation and best wishes to you and your bride.
Congratulations Kim!! I hope you have many years together!!
Definitely, yes! Congratulations to the both of you. My wish for you is to enjoy a smooth and very long road back to your second childhood!
Mazel Tov, Mr. DuToit!!
Congratulations and happiness to both of you. And yes, I too would much appreciate reading the story.
Well Done, Sir. May you both “live long and prosper”.
Congratulations to both of you!