One of the reasons I love reading C.W. Swanson’s excellent Timewaster blog is that one many occasions, the pictures evoke a tangential thought from me. Here’s one:
And I agree that it’s disgusting. That fine machine gun needs to be mounted on a full-sized Murkin Ford F-150, not that lil’ Jap thing.
Here’s another:
I mean, that’s a pretty picture, for sure. But am I the only one who thinks that nickel-plating the utilitarian Ruger SP101 is akin to gold-plating a Willys Jeep?
I think I’ve said before that I know a man who has nearly a dozen SP101 revolvers scattered around his domain: bedroom, bathroom, toilet (!), garage, toolbox, glove box, basement, hall closet and what have you. When I asked him why, his response was simple: “They’ll always work, even if I haven’t cleaned them for five years. And some of ’em, I haven’t.”
Can you imagine that shiny SP101 in a rusty, grungy old tackle box?