
I made a stunning discovery over the weekend when reading this article in the Babylon Bee:

Authorities ran tests on the clone and found extremely high levels of hypersensitivity, dramatic tendencies, excessive sass, and severe humor comprehension impairment. “We presented her with many jokes unrelated to her on any level. We found that she took them all personally, no matter how irrational a connection.” [emphasis added]

So there it is, folks:  today’s liberals / social democrats / socialists / “woke” generation [massive overlap]  have been scientifically proven to have the temperament of a 12-year-old girl*.

*I’m not sure if this post qualifies as “meta-satire”, but then I’m no English major.


  1. I told an old joke about a priest, a preacher and a rabbi at reddit over the weekend, and was roundly condemned as a bigot. LOL I suspect the joke was written by a Jewish comedian:

    A priest got a hair cut one day, he tried to pay the barber afterwards. The barber said, “Oh father, I could never charge a man of the cloth!” The next morning the barber found a dozen bottles of wine from the monastery on his doorstep. A preacher got a haircut there too, the barber again refused payment–“Oh sir, I could never charge a man of the cloth!” The next morning he found a dozen loaves of fresh baked bread on his doorstep. A rabbi got a haircut there, and again, the barber refused payment–“Sir, I could never charge a man of the cloth!” The next morning the barber found a dozen rabbis on his doorstep.

    The thread I commented on was about cats–the OP fed one feral cat, and eventually found himself feeding a dozen cats daily. There is a strong correlation between cat lovers and political correctness.

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