Okay, we need to get some rules straight around this here back porch of mine. The proper order of things is that I post pics of beautiful guns and engender uncontrollable gun lust amongst you, O my Readers. You are not repeat NOT supposed to send ME emails of your guns which cause me distress, because as any fule kno, I am completely at the mercy of beautiful guns and have been known to auction off children to be able to buy said visions. (Not my children, of course; children I find wandering in the streets.)
An example of this kind of untoward behavior (the gun-bragging, not the kidnapping) is shown by Reader PC from the Great State of Texas, who writes thusly:
“I carry an S&W 627 Performance Center revolver (.357 eight-shot, N frame). Lobo Gunleather makes an inside waistband holster that, when coupled with Perry Suspenders and no-tuck shirts, carries as easily as a small Glock.”
Here’s a pic:

I do declare that this is quite easily the most beautiful stainless revolver S&W has made in ages, if not forever. And eight rounds in the cylinder?
“Hand me mah smelling salts, Prissy.”
S&W also makes a 2″ snubby version (which I think is the type Reader PC carries, from his description); but for me, the 5″ barrel as pictured is the business.
Were it not for the fact that the Performance Center models retail for well north of a grand ($1,200 at our local Academy aaaargh), I’d already have bought one by the time you read this.
As it is… oh, mommy. I am so weak.
I hope I’ve made myself quite clear about this bad behavior from Readers.