Bloody hell, I wish this tiresome generation of wokey Millennials would just stick to sucking on Tide pods and quit whining about everything that was invented before they were born.
A student has slammed classic Disney films for being ‘horrendously outdated and offensive’, claiming that the Jungle Book character King Louie is racist and that many of the animations have ‘not aged well’.
Lauren Robertson re-watched 11 Disney favourites – accusing most of them of ‘portraying racist and exaggerated stereotypes’.
The student, who studies languages at Aberdeen University, branded films such as Dumbo, The Lady and the Tramp and The Little Mermaid as ‘dodgy’.
And if you have the stomach to follow the link, you’ll see from her pictures that she has the insufferably smug expression of the Terminally Righteous.
All this is of a piece with those fools who want to ban Twain’s Huckleberry Finn just because it contains the word nigger, little realizing that despite the frequent use of the word, Twain’s masterpiece rearranged the entire way that 19th-century America looked at race. In fact, Twain himself probably did more to improve race relations in this country than any two of today’s race hustlers (such as Jesse Jackson and that idiot, the late Elijah Cummings).
As for that little Scottish snowflake who needs a “safe space” to escape the evils of old Disney cartoons, I wish she’d just crawl into that safe space — preferably a tiny closet — and die there.