Quote Of The Day

From Stephen Green:

“All hell is going to break loose when they find out that I decided to tackle Proust during the shutdown.”

Damn, now that’s a bad shutdown.  No man should ever be so reduced as to having to read Marcel Proust.

Clearly, the VodkaPundit ran out of vodka during his isolation.

Take ‘Em

From a Lefty Canuckipol:

Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party in the Canadian parliament, has called on Justin Trudeau to accept any ethnic minority person from the United States who comes to Canada claiming asylum because President Trump has made the country unsafe.

Oh be still, my beating heart.  Hell, we’ll even supply the buses, trains and airliners for the asylum-seekers.

Sorry, FredZ.  But we’d welcome you and other Canucki conservatives of your ilk in return — the buses etc. can just bring you back on their return trip (after the necessary fumigation, of course).  And yes, your guns would be quite welcome.  (Offer not valid for anyone from Toronto, or people who prefer to speak French over English.)

I think that sounds fair.

Pharoah Had It Easy

2020 has been interesting, plague-wise:

First, the Chinkvirus:

Next, Asian Murder Hornets:

Then, an infestation of BLM/Pantifas:

What could possibly come next in this foul year?


Which means that Florida and all the other Gulf of Mexico states are officially banned.

Mail Offer

This arrived in my Inbox over the weekend:

Because nothing says “Responsible Gun Ownership” like guns and booze.  And nothing says “Real America” like trying to bribe me with cheap Made-In-China tat.

That said, if the NRA idiots had a Gin Club…

…I still wouldn’t renew my membership.

Monday Funnies

‘Nuff said.

So, as we all head out back to work in our cars, a timely reminder:

And at work:

On the way home, a surprise 3-some:

And for a little incentive to get it  up:

Now fire up that engine and get outta here.


We’ve all seen the grainy black-and-white pictures of D-Day in June 1944.  Here are some more recent ones, in color.

Matt Cardy/Getty Images
AP Photo/Claude Paris

Matt Cardy/Getty Images
Matt Cardy/Getty Images


We will remember them.