We see this happening (in Beverly Hills, even):
Trump supporters have been holding weekly rallies in Los Angeles and about 200 of them were gathered in Beverly Gardens Park in Beverly Hills on Saturday.
But a few dozen Black Lives Lives Matter people showed up to “counter protest” and got violent. They came apparently trying to start fights with the Trump supporters.
…which engenders well-meaning advice like this:
A Navy Seal Instructs Americans on How to Deal With a Violent Mob
I read that, and apart from the usual “stay away from where there’s going to be trouble” bromide, I noticed one glaring omission from our SEAL buddy in the event that the SHTF: if you’re going to shoot a gun from inside your car, remember to put in earplugs first. (I’m assuming that you have at least thirty seconds warning that Bad Things are about to happen, and I’m also assuming that like me you always carry a couple of those little orange thingies in your pocket.)
I cannot stress this enough: if you touch off a round (or two, or three) inside a car without at least some hearing protection, you will suffer severe and possibly permanent hearing loss.
If you don’t carry these little things in your pocket when you go out, you should start getting into the habit.
Here endeth the lesson.