For some time now, I’ve been hankering after a six-shooter — for no reason other than the usual — and I’ve gotta say, this offering is pretty tasty:
You can get a decent .45 LC revolver for half that, but nowhere near as pretty.
For some time now, I’ve been hankering after a six-shooter — for no reason other than the usual — and I’ve gotta say, this offering is pretty tasty:
You can get a decent .45 LC revolver for half that, but nowhere near as pretty.
From Matt Morgolis:
“Facts don’t lie; Democrats do.”
The rest of the piece is full of toasty-fresh facts, and the lies the Socialists are spinning.
I have never understood why people give themselves deadlines on activities which require no deadlines: “I have to get my hair cut this week” or “I need to do the laundry today” and “I must finish my book before Saturday” and so on. Other than an attempt to impose some kind of self-discipline over chronic procrastination, all this does is add a layer of stress into one’s life — all the more so because it’s both needless and self-imposed. An ex-boss of mine put it in perspective, speaking purely of business matters and not of obvious crisis situations: “There is no decision can’t be improved by waiting till the next day.”
Over at Insty’s place, Mark Tapscott posted a long letter from a friend who is grappling with the fact that his kids — and the kids of many of his upper-middle-class neighbors — will not be attending public school anytime soon, thanks to the teachers unions’ unnecessary obsession with the health risks of their members being exposed to the germ-laden petri dish that is the average school. (It’s definitely worth going over there and reading it.) Leaving aside the obvious retort that other workers (in supermarkets etc.) seem to have had few problems in this regard, I want to focus instead on one aspect of this hapless parent’s dilemma. Here’s the part that got me thinking:
“And, for the families who either cannot leave a job or are not interested in what has been proposed by the public school systems, they are either spending tens of thousands of dollars per year on private education or are now for the first time acquainting themselves with homeschooling options. I will also add that in many cases, private schools are full and homeschooling curriculum options are sold out leaving families with no idea what they will do in a few weeks.”
Somebody needs to sit this harried man down and explain one of the most beneficial aspects of homeschooling: there are no deadlines. The “few weeks” he’s talking about is an artificial construct: schools say that the new semester must begin on September 7, therefore that’s when education should begin. Of course, that’s utter nonsense if you’re not chained to the public (or any) school system: your kid can take up classes on September 7, or October 15 (or tomorrow, for that matter) — because given the glacial speed of public education, the kid will catch up with, and overtake, his former classmates in a matter of weeks. (Remember that the entire middle- and high school mathematics curriculum — all five years of classroom instruction — can be learned by an average student in just over six months, when delivered at their own pace at home.)
I remember the mother of my son fretting about his slowness in getting toilet-trained, and telling her: “I promise you that by the time he’s fifteen he’ll be using the toilet just like everybody else.” And from an educational perspective, whether a kid starts learning in August or September is irrelevant to their future progress.
Everyone seems to want to set deadlines on education: must complete high school by age 18, then go straight to college and finish the undergrad degree in four years, or else “they’ll be left behind” — as though that matters, when of course it doesn’t.
Unsaid in all this, of course, is that if education is truly unshackled from the education establishment, there’s nothing to stop a kid from finishing their undergrad degree by age 18, either, if the kid is smart enough and motivated enough — because just as homeschooled kids of high-school age typically finish twelfth grade earlier than their classroom-educated contemporaries, the appearance of online university-level classes (delivered either by streaming or by DVD) means that the homeschooled college student could finish their degree in two years and not the more common four.
The only thing that holds parents back from homeschooling is their own sense of inferiority — that somehow, even college-trained adults can’t teach their kids mathematics (the discipline which frightens parents the most). Let me assure you all right now: with the proper course materials, anyone can teach their kids anything.
And best of all, there’s no need to feel pressure to do it by any specified date — hell, you can even learn the stuff with your kids as you go along, and how bad can that be?
Commentary short and sweet, like Isla Fisher.
…from his office in San Antonio.
…no doubt upon the advice of his shaman after reading the chicken entrails. And speaking of fairy tales:
…is our preview of the feature film, “Green New Deal”. And:
…as Britain and California get in their race for the bottom. Speaking of racing to the bottom:
…I know, they backed away from the policy after a massive public outcry. But the very fact that they thought of doing this… Also, speaking of dying cities:
…as Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle and the rest of the socialist paradises start to circle the bowl.
…BritGov to ban pens in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… I mean, nobody needs more than a crayon, amirite?
…I’m thinking daisycutter bombs and MOABs, not “bigger guns”; but that’s just me.
…welcome to the U.S., Yer Gingerness. Now bend over that IRS desk, just like the rest of us.
…seeing as the BritGov has solved all Britain’s other pressing social needs, that is.
And finally, some excellent news for a change:
…there was some other crap in the headline about face masks, but this is all I care about.
From the always-readable James Delingpole comes this outstanding zinger:
“Just when did Britain become so incredibly, embarrassingly shit?”
His take on the British people is curt and cutting (“an embarrassing mess: a nation of snitches and cry-bullies, tinpot fascists and mask-compliant bedwetters”), but that’s not his only target.
While Delingpole also hauls off at Boris Johnson (“a priapic lard-butted lightweight chancer who should never have been given the keys to Number 10”), he saves most of his ire for the Oily Little Shit Tony Blair (“closet Trotskyite”) and the mainstream media / government bureaucracy (“over-influential demagogues like the revolting Piers Morgan, not to mention the whole of the BBC, Channel 4, Sky News, and virtually every newspaper, the civil service, everyone in the judiciary…”).
It’s not often I read a rant which I wish I’d written; but this is one for the ages. Read it all, and chuckle. (Or weep, if you’re British.)
And by the way: if you see a large number of parallels to the United States… well, that was the whole point of this post.
It’s not often that I read a long article that starts off with me getting angry (remember, my general mood is best described as “irritable” at the best of times) and having my anger grow to nigh-ungovernable rage. But this article managed to get me there quite effortlessly. Here’s a taste:
On his way to hunt on his father’s land during the first week of December 2017, Hunter Rainwaters was driving a side-by-side through the property when he noticed an oddity positioned roughly 4’ off the ground. He popped the brakes, backed toward the object and looked in surprise at a trail camera belted to a tree.
“I didn’t see any words or stickers on it, but I knew right away it wasn’t ours,” Hunter Rainwaters recalls.
Following the hunt, he drove back onto the family property and spotted a second trail camera attached to a tree with several branches removed to allow for an unimpeded lens view. Rainwaters dialed his father’s cellphone, and described the two cameras: “I was shaken up when my son called and I knew immediately it had to be the TWRA (Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency),” Rainwaters recalls.
Deeply disturbed, Rainwaters arrived home later in the afternoon and took a look at the two cameras, mulling over whether to remove the pair. Two days later, with Rainwaters in limbo on what action to take — both cameras disappeared.
“The cameras were collecting pictures of us hunting, driving and just our lives,” he adds. “One of the cameras was even recording footage up to the back of my tenant’s house.”
That’s bad enough. But it gets worse. (And I’ve added emphasis.)
Can the government place cameras and monitoring equipment on a private citizen’s land at will, or conduct surveillance and stakeouts on private land, without probable cause or a search warrant? Indeed, according to the U.S. Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) interpretation of the Fourth Amendment. Welcome to Open Fields.
The vast majority of Americans assume law enforcement needs a warrant to carry out surveillance, but for roughly a century, SCOTUS has ruled that private land — is not private. Fourth Amendment protections against “unreasonable searches and seizures” expressed in the Bill of Rights only apply to an individual’s immediate dwelling area, according to SCOTUS.
Had the government agency mounted their little snoopies on utility poles on the public road off the property, I would have just shrugged. But to come onto the land without a warrant or permission?
Somewhere, Feliks Dzerzhinsky is chuckling his ass off.
Me, had I discovered this shit on my land and ascertained that there was no label that it was government property, I think I would have moved well back out of range of the camera and performed a little long-range shooting exercise.
“After all, Yeronner, I actually thought it was poachers, scanning my land to see if there was any game for them to hunt illegally. I never for a moment thought that this skullduggery could be the work of the Gummint!“
(My other thought was to plant a Claymore mine at the base of the tree, but no doubt someone’s going to have a problem with this. )
Apart from my beef with the bastard government agency, my equally-enraged beef is with the fucking shysters on the Supreme Court.
Just as I don’t need some asshole judge to “explain” the meaning of the Second Amendment to me, I don’t need these turds to “explain” the meaning of the Fourth Amendment to me, either.
Private property is just that: private. And the sole function of government — any government — is to protect that right and ensure that it isn’t transgressed, by anyone. Looking at the Fourth, I can see the problem:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
So, in the exquisite nature of lawyers to parse the law literally and look for loopholes, the word “houses” is taken to mean just the area enclosed by walls, and thus government agents can pretty much run roughshod over one’s outdoor property (just as the TWRA did in the above story), as often and for any reason they deem fit.
Izzat so?
Listen: everybody knows that the nature of government — of all governments — is eventually to oppress otherwise law-abiding citizens. The only way this can be preempted is to force the would-be oppressors to convince a judge that what they want to do has a clear and compelling justification. If the judge is just going to sign whatever they put in front of him and pat them on the head as they go on their way… what’s the fucking point of having a judge in the first place?
I’ve said this many, many times on this blog before: whenever you get a situation where an individual starts whacking government officials and agents, the vast majority of the time it’s because the government is messing with his property in some way or another. So do not be surprised when landowners start taking potshots at these bastards.
And if I were sitting on a jury to judge a homicide charge against the landowner under these circumstances, I would die before voting for a conviction.
I’ve slotted this post into the “Two Minute Hate” category at the top; let me tell you, the hatred is going to last a lot longer than that.