Mother Hubbard Syndrome

Had occasion to go over to my local Merchant O’ Death yesterday, just to browse a little and to tickle my fancy by looking at a couple of guns I’ve been eyeing out lately.  Well…

The handgun counter is usually crammed with guns — well over a hundred, as I recall — and the few guns you see under the glass are either the very expensive (Nighthawk, etc.) or else .22 pistols and single-action revolvers.

Ditto the rifle racks:  the nearly-empty one on the left is usually packed with AR-15s and AKs… not anymore.  The rack on the right has sporting shotguns, mostly, and even those have been moving out — bought by people who, when they find all their first- and second choices out of stock, are buying double-barreled shotguns just to have something on hand.

The guys tell me that they have over six hundred guns on order, but the distributors are looking after the bigger dealers first, so little establishments like this one are in a desert.  Even then:  “Have you been to Cabela’s or Bass Pro recently?  They’re almost as bad as we are.”

When I think of all the work I’ve done over the years to try and make America a Nation of Riflemen again… and all it took was a few riots in Minneapolis and Seattle to do just that.


As we have only a couple months before we give Trump another four years in office, I think it behooves us to to examine exactly what the Democratic Socialists stand for (quit that laughing, I’m trying to be serious for a change).  And as people seem to be more swayed by pictures these days, I’ll forego the boring essay I’d planned to write and rather, try to encapsulate the Evil Party’s platform more succinctly.  Here’s what we face:

Your future President:

…and Vice-President / President (because if you think Biden would stay in office for longer than the car trip back from the Capitol steps to the White House, you’re delusional):

(Photo credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)


Gun laws:

Gun confiscation:

Gun usage:

Ammo purchasing:

And in short:

The Democratic Socialist government’s attitude towards the Armed Forces:

Law and Order:

Foreign Policy:

(Photo by John Stillwell/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Only with blowjobs for China, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and the United Nations — just like Obama.

As I wrote a long, long time ago (updated for the current set of assholes), here’s the Democratic Socialist party’s plan for us:

  • High Taxes
  • Gun Control
  • State ownership of capital / nationalization of industry
  • Constitutional deconstructionism (that pesky “living document”)
  • Nanny government and oppressive regulation
  • A weak, impotent military
  • Inept foreign policy
  • Trial lawyers and liberal, activist judges
  • Socialism
  • Subservience to the United Nations
  • Socialized medical care
  • Labor unions (especially for public school teachers and government employees)
  • Racism (hiring- and college enrollment quotas)
  • Class / race warfare
  • Voter fraud
  • Lax immigration controls and amnesty for illegal aliens
  • Wealth envy and redistributionism
  • Hostility towards business, and the free market in general
  • Over-aggressive environmentalism
  • Support for failed social programs

Oh hell, I don’t know why I bother.  Just think of California on a national scale — i.e. with nowhere for us to go except to a foreign country — with the Golden Shower State’s regulations, pro-illegal immigration, anti-gun policies, etc.

I can’t wait to get to the polls in November.

When You Lose Insty

…or, to be more precise, when you get the mild-mannered and polite Professor Glenn Reynolds to launch into a wonderful rant:

And all the “public health” people complaining about this can go fuck yourselves. You squandered all your moral authority rushing to line up in favor of the Black Lives Matter protests because you valued politics more than health. Now nobody will listen to you, because you’re a joke. If people die because you squandered your credibility, that’s your fault. You’re not disgraces to your profession, you’ve made your profession a disgrace.

Couldn’t have put it better myself.  Our public health officials are either a bunch of timorous nannies, or else a bunch of ferocious control freaks.  (And yes, I could have embraced the healing power of “and”, to use another Insty-phrase.)


It is, as they say, to LOL at this development:

In the weeks since the lawsuit was announced, more than 250 Dalits from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, and dozens of others in Silicon Valley have come forward to report discrimination, bullying, ostracization, and even sexual harassment by colleagues who are higher-caste Indians, according to data provided exclusively to VICE News by Dalit advocacy group Equality Labs.
There have been 33 complaints from Dalit employees at Facebook, 20 complaints at Google, 18 at Microsoft, 24 more at Cisco, and 14 at Amazon. There were also complaints recorded from employees at Twitter, Dell, Netflix, Apple, Uber, and Lyft — as well dozens more complaints from a range of smaller Silicon Valley companies and some companies outside the technology sector.

“Caste discrimination is in every U.S. company where Indians are working,” said [Indian migrant] Maya.

When I was in India fifteen years ago, I was astonished at the degree of social discrimination — which is not the same as tribalism, although it can be.

I’m no stranger to this nonsense because South Africa, where the Whites and Blacks hate each other, both hate the Indians and mixed races.  Within the White community, the English-speakers hate the Afrikaners and vice versa, but both despise the Portuguese, Italians, Chinese, Central Europeans, Lebanese and other Arabs (yes, there are quite a few of those).  Within the Black community, the hate is limitless:  Zulus hate the Sothos, the Xhosa hate the Venda, the Bapedi hate the Zulus, and so on and so on ad infinitum.  And everyone — everyone — hates the Jews.  Just one big unhappy family, the Seffricans are.

It’s the same in the Middle East, caste-wise:  at the top are the Persians, then in order come the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, and the Jordanians.  At the very bottom of the pile are the Palestinians, who are universally despised.  (I think I’ve got that right:  it was explained to me by a Persian — not Iranian, as he stressed to me — whose family had fled Iran not because they were Sunnis, but because they were… Catholic.  Talk about an inconvenient religion.)

Now let’s talk about the Balkans… nah, let’s not.  This shit gives me a headache.

As long as there are people who are even the slightest bit different from others within the same milieu, there’s elitism and discrimination.  ‘Twas ever thus, and I’m just glad to see that the Indians have imported their little flavor of discrimination to the U.S. — as if we don’t have enough of our own local varieties already.

News Roundup

With commentary so brief, I’m being sued by Fruit Of The Loom.

we all know that Arabs are thieves, but when they appropriate our Injun  Native American technology, that’s just beyond the pale.  Who do they think they are:  Chinese?

hate to break it to you, Mayor Lightweight, but Chicago is already the poster child for gun control.  Clearly, it’s working really well for you.

which is not even the most stupid thing she’s ever said — she defies satire.

yup, that’s going to appeal to their core fan base — assuming they still have one.

until next week.  Still, this seems to make sense (unlike most of the other shit).

I just wish this wasn’t satire.

why limit it to roadblocks?  Hit the gas pedal every time you see a group of black-clad assholes, to save the republic Use those man-killer pickup trucks, damn it.

Now some really BIG IMPORTANT news:

to be honest, that’s pretty much all she has.

And finally, for some light relief:

if this happened in the U.S., the deceased asshole’s family would no doubt be suing Stihl  for improper safety controls.

Stay And Suffer

This is getting out of hand.

Due to increasingly squalid conditions on the Upper West Side, including two new homeless shelters packed with junkies and registered sex offenders, longtime dwellers are departing the Big Apple with no plans to ever return.

Okay, that’s good for at least a semi-Schadenboner — liberal assholes reaping the fruits of their voting record.  Here’s an example:

One of the Escape from New Yorkers is Elizabeth Carr, one of the area’s most vocal leaders in combating mounting crime in the well-heeled ‘hood. She was an administrator of the Facebook group NYC Moms for Safer Streets, and the face of a public-safety movement that has attracted thousands to demand better policing and city services.

But a little Faecesbook group isn’t strong enough to overcome all the insane socialist policy and government from the likes of Hizzoner Di Blasio, so:

She said she started planning to move before the COVID crisis and recent neighborhood developments, but officially put down stakes Sunday in North Carolina with her finance husband and three kids under 7.

Wait, what?  North Carolina?  What’s wrong with Connecticut, or Rhode Island, or New Jersey?  Oh yeah, I forgot.  All those Yankee places are just as bad as New York fucking City.

So this Upper-East-Side family (no prizes for guessing how they voted in 2016) are leaving the NYC Sinking Ship and moving to North Carolina (as so many seem to be doing), where no doubt they’ll keep voting for Democrats and similar filth just as their fellow refugees do.

And North Carolina will go from Conservative Red to Poxy Purple to Deep Blue inside a single generation.
