Panic In D.C.

What amuses me about the whole patriotic “invasion” of the Capitol has been the panicked response from the Establishment.  Here are a few examples:

Justice Department warns of national security fallout from Capitol Hill insurrection

“We have to do a full review of what was taken, or copied, or even left behind in terms of bugs and listening devices, etc.,” said Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), raising the possibility that foreign adversaries could have easily infiltrated the crowd that encircled the Capitol.

You mean, apart from the listening devices already in place, planted by (oh, say) Eric Swalwell’s ChiCom mistress or Dianne Feinstein’s ChiCom chauffeur?

But wait, it gets better:

“If this were an organized, fully intent terrorist group — and there were certainly terrorist activities yesterday, but I mean, al Qaeda style — they could have killed a lot of representatives and god knows what else,” Gallego said.

You mean the terrorist who walked around with Nancy Pelosi’s lectern, or the terrorist who was sitting behind her desk?  The whole thing looked more like a college fraternity romp, no matter how scawwwwy it appeared to the timorous at the time.

To be serious for a moment:  from all accounts, there were about 200,000 pissed-off Trump supporters in D.C. last Wednesday, of which about 0.001% decided to “invade” the Capitol and disrupt the oh-so august proceedings of certifying the results of a fraudulent election.  Imagine if that percentage had been, say, 13% — the percentage of Americans who actually fought in the Revolution under George Washington — and if those 26,000 people had been fully armed and quite intent on overthrowing the government?

But they weren’t, of course.  They were, to coin a phrase, mostly peaceful people who just wanted their voices to be heard.

But that seems to have been enough to disturb the Establishment from their everyday job of fucking over the people in this country:

Beyond the security question, this person told me the mob action has been a psychological blow on the DC bureaucracy which didn’t think such an open expression of tangible disrespect for the government was possible. In other words, the capitol mob was a blow to their status, and Washingtonians believe the entire protest represents more than just anger at the election outcome: the disrespectful spirit of the day represents a real threat to their power going forward. This is one reason for the paranoia of Democrats at the moment, and they worry that more such protests are not only possible but likely. Part of the reason there is such fury on the left to run Trump out of office right away is that DC is genuinely afraid of him and his followers.

And here’s a news flash for these pricks:  we’re not going away, no matter how hard you try to suppress us.

One last giggle:

Among other things, the fact that apparently some Capitol Police were friendly with the protestors who entered the building have federal bureaucrats wondering whether they can fully trust their own security personnel.

Just remember, socialists:  these are also the people whom you are going to send out to try to disarm American citizens.

Good luck with that shit.

RFI: Brave Problems

I know a couple of you folks use the Brave browser, and I need a little assistance.

When I create a bookmark for a page, it doesn’t appear anywhere:  not in the folder I select, nor, it appears, anywhere else.  This happens regardless of whether I use the little Bookmark shortcut on the left of the URL, or hit CTRL+D.

Brave’s homepage doesn’t seem to have any actual help functions — only FAQs and a forum to which I can’t submit a query, or start a thread.  Highly irritating.

Any advice or assistance will be appreciated.



In light of recent events (Amazon’s GoDaddy whacking, Shitter delisting Trump and so on — you all know what I’m talking about), I did a couple of things yesterday to try to disentangle myself from these assholes as much as possible.

  • When I re-register this website, it will be with GoDaddy’s competitor.  I discussed it at some length with Tech Support II, and it will be done.
  • I’ve never used Shitter or Faecesbook, so that’s okay.  I’m probably not going to go with Gab or Parler, because I’m not interested in having an online “social presence” other than through this website, which I can control.
  • If Hosting Matters shuts me down because of doubleplusungood thought- and speech crimes, Tech Support has a backup plan so that won’t affect me either, other than as a mild irritation while the handover is completed.
  • Ditto WordPress.
  • I canceled my Amazon Prime account.  This will be a little inconvenient in that I won’t have access to their movies and such, but I’ll survive with Hulu and Roku, albeit with commercial irritation.  Netflix is also under review for similar reasons.
  • Most of the stuff I order from Amazon can be purchased locally or through the various companies’ own websites, so I’ll be doing that too.  On the very few occasions where I must use Amazon, I’ll just pay the postage.
  • Ditto Walmart, Target and so on.  I’ve had it up to here with seeing “Made in China” on everything, so every time I find that irritant, I’m going to find a manager and tell them why I’m not buying from them today.  Or I’ll only buy stuff made in other Asian countries e.g. Thailand if there’s absolutely no American-made equivalent.  Or I’ll just do without.
  • I already ditched Chrome;  last night I ditched Mozilla and went with Brave.
  • Today I’m going to ditch Thunderbird and go with ProtonMail, as soon as I’ve figured it out.
  • I long ago stopped using the Google search engine, swapping it for DuckDuck Go, so that’s done.  DDG isn’t quite as good, but it’s sufficient for my needs.
  • Now I need to find something equivalent to Google Maps so I can ditch those assholes too.  Any advice on this will be welcome.

I’m quite aware that this is like pissing in the wind, that I’m only one guy etc.  Longtime Readers, however, will know the precept behind the Nation of Riflemen:  turning America back into a nation of riflemen, one citizen at a time.  The same applies to me, as an individual:  I’m just one guy, but one of many such guys.

If my one action helps other people disentangle themselves from Big Tech, maybe, just maybe we can make a difference.  Regardless, I’m not going to support their fucking enterprises if there is any alternative — even if as noted above, the alternatives are not as good.

And finally, I’m going to do the same every single time a corporation does stupid woke shit or some kind of totalitarian activity.

  • You wanna take a knee during the National Anthem?  Fine, that’s your choice, just as it will be my choice not to watch or support you.
  • The University of North Texas can take their begging letters and wipe their asses with them, as I will do if they send me any.
  • If any financial institution starts cutting off service to the firearms industry, their cards are going to go bye-bye out of my wallet, even if it’s a major inconvenience to me.  Conversely, any financial institution that shows a proper conservative attitude towards their business will get my custom.

And just so everyone’s clear on this:  any money I save from the above activities will most likely go towards the purchase of ammo and guns, and the use and practice thereof.

I am just one guy;  but we have to start somewhere if we’re going to stop this nonsense.  I know that many of my Readers already do or have done what I’m doing now, and that’s great.  Now spread the word to all your family, friends and acquaintances, just like you did with the Nation of Riflemen, encouraging prospective gun owners and teaching them how to shoot.

The Revolution starts now.

Me, Too

I’m with DaTechGuy on this one:

I’m with Trump because he was with me. He improved the economy, he fought for life, he fought for Israel, brought peace to the middle east, made us energy self sufficient and fought for what was right. Yeah he was loud and carried himself with braggadocio but he literally took the wish list of conservatives like myself that republicans have promised for decades and took it seriously doing his best to fill it.

That President Trump did this is remarkable. That he did this with all of DC all of Hollywood, all of Academia and all of media trying to destroy him makes it nothing short of incredible.


I was and still am a Ted Cruz guy. I would support Cruz in a heartbeat for president. I came to Trump reluctantly as the only alternative to Clinton.

I don’t think Trump is going to run again in 2024 because he’ll be too old by then.  I’m hoping for Ted Cruz, because he has the very best chance of repeating the Trump agenda — I don’t think he could have done it before because we needed Trump to show the way.

Otherwise, if Ted doesn’t run then I’ll be pulling for Mike Pompeo.  Both have The Right Stuff, I think.

Quote(s) Of The Day

From the Divine Sarah:

“No one makes it a crime to talk about the election being fraudulent if it was above board.”

To coin a phrase:  democracy dies in darkness.  What we have to ensure is that even in the darkness, freedom continues to flourish.

Also from Sarah:

“When the electoral (and incidentally the judicial) system becomes so corrupt that a party can be assured of winning even if they run a potted plant and a blowup sex doll who campaign exclusively from the basement and promise to raise everyone’s taxes and keep them house arrest indefinitely, why not hold show trials? Why not cancel every “enemy’s” ability to access the net? Why not arbitrarily declare all ideas in opposition to your own seditious?”

LOL “blowup sex doll”.  Even Willie Brown would laugh at that one.

News Roundup

Commentary will be short, like Mrs. Borat.

which means I’m pretty much fucked, then.

And in a (possibly) unrelated event:

Covid, cancer, HPV, whatever;  you’re always gonna be at risk with this creature anywhere near your zip code.

not an actual headline, just LOL.

and as they say:  “Owe the bank ten thousand dollars, you have a problem.  Owe the bank $300 million, and THEY have a problem.”

ya think?

And speaking of imbeciles:

I actually know the solution to this, and it doesn’t involve shooting all the Colorado Democrat lawmakers.  It does, however, require shooting all ex-California transplants / refugees in Colorado, but someone’s doubtless going to have a problem with this.

ah yes, those were the days, when men were men and not sorta-women reminiscing about when they were still men.

uh huh.  He’ll just go with the old-time Democrat initiatives like higher taxes, civilian disarmament, more regulations and such.

a.k.a. First World Problem, as can be seen in the pic below of this hellhole (right-click to embiggen):

uhhhh I’ve got some news for you, son:

I think we’re gonna have all the weapons we need, as the Biden Brigade will find out when they try mass confiscations.  (And yeah, I know that’s not what he meant.)

And lastly:

…no link because you’ll probably want to eat at some point today.  Instead, here’s a home-decoration idea:

…or else, a blast from the past: