1. Agreed. When I first heard this, I was speechless – Mozart did come to mind. I immediately had to hear it again. It has always been my favorite “earwig”. And the whole album is great, too, by the way.

  2. Give a listen to the version on “Genesis Revisited” by Hackett, they perform the intro on orchestra bells, there are a few other differences as well.

  3. Arrrrrrrgh! Damn YouTube and their ads! I had to see the first 5 seconds of a “voting rights” ad featuring Stacy Abrams before could have a look & listen to Firth of Fifth. Well done. What popped into my head watching it was what would Mozart or Beethoven think of electric keyboards & what they could do with them? Might’ve been amazing.

  4. I think both would be delighted and would seek to include those new instruments in their compositions.

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