1. Where in the US would you go, for perhaps a 2 week trip?

    Where out of the US?

    For me, London is always calling.

  2. The trouble with London is that going there is just a staging area before hanging out with Mr. Free Market, the Englishman and the Sorensons. (These are Good, nay Wonderful Things, of course, and I miss them all terribly.) I’ve been to London many times, in other words.

    While my Travel Withdrawal Symptoms are clanging in my ears, I actually feel more like going somewhere I haven’t been before. Prague, Budapest and the like come to mind…

    In the U.S., I’ve been pretty much everywhere I care to go (thank you, corporate travel), and all that’s left is to take New Wife to places she wants to visit, e.g. Alaska and back to New England.

    1. Southern Utah’s “Big 5” National parks are really quite something, and they’re all well away from the hellholes/cities, so all the non-tourists you’ll meet are the wonderful rural salt-of-the-earth types. Just go in late fall or early spring to miss the crowds and the heat.

      Heading north, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Glacier parks are a different type of beauty, and they too are well away from the hellholes of big cities, though since Jackson, WY got taken over by the locusts I’ve tended to avoid that area. The park’s still nice, just don’t try to stay in Jackson. That’s easy for me since my family’s got a cabin in Island Park, Idaho though… I just stay there instead 😉 But yeah, for that part of the world you kinda have to go during summer tourist season, else the roads are impassable due to snow. Glacier’s a lot less visited so might be a better option if you’re looking at avoiding crowds, though.

    2. > I actually feel more like going somewhere I haven’t been before. Prague, Budapest and the like come to mind…

      I scheduled (and paid for) an event a couple of years ago that would’ve put me in Prague just a week or two ago. I wasn’t inclined to tolerate a Face Diaper for the hours on end that the flights between Las Vegas and Prague would take, so I wrote it off. (Should’ve sold my registration, but I’m only out €150 or so for it.)

      A friend of mine who did go had a blast. There were signs posted around Prague telling people to diaper up, but she said they were mostly ignored by everybody. Someday, perhaps when the Senile Sundowning Shithead is removed from the White House and people can once again breathe freely on airplanes, I might head over and have a look for myself. I was looking forward to this trip, as when I last lived over there, that part of Europe was still behind the Iron Curtain.

      (Back in the day, I got to take the duty train from Frankfurt to Berlin for a school trip. That included a stop at 0-dark-30 at the border to change engines, and the louder clunking sound from the joints in the tracks afterward told you you were in East Germany now. Even spent a few hours touring East Berlin, having gone through Checkpoint Charlie. All that is (thankfully) history now…or, given recent events, is it?)

    3. Budapest and Prague are both smashing.

      Prague is suave, debonair and touristy, in a bright sparkly way. No Prague Czech will tolerate dirt or disorder in the tourist areas.

      I prefer Budapest because it’s raffish, comfortable, not very touristy and not flashily so. Also, the Hungarians venerate Reagan and their own history and tolerate no “Muslim Invaders” or weirdo sexuality claims.

      The only odd thing I found is is that the Czechs make better goulash than the Hungarians.

  3. Just came back from Tennessee and had a great time between historical sites, good food and good music. the scenery was nice too!

    I’ve traveled to Kentucky quite a bit and it’s a wonderful trip too between distilleries, historical sites and restaurants.

    LMK if you’d like any recommendations for New England. It’s pretty here but too many of the residents are no good, dirty rotten commies.


  4. Imagine, if you will, a rushed business trip with a nervous traveler… Mister Stevers boards an airliner to Prague, and steps off in frisco.
    Panic sets in, and the frantic Mister Stevers buys a hurried ticket to anyplace else, and steps off in minneapolis.
    Abandoning his carry-on, Mister Stevers hails the first taxi… only to discover it has only one possible destination — frisco.
    Join us as we observe the complete and total breakdown of this biden administration symbolization with only one possible result — devolution into The Twilight Zone.

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