1. In this vintage ad from The Golden Age Of Comedy, these audience members are sure ‘tickled’ by our immigrant ‘friends’ on the Bronx vaudeville stage!
    By using government-approved ‘anti-social distancing’, these audience members in a Bronx vaudeville auditorium show their compliance with the latest dictates from YourBetters honestly concerned about their health!
    In this still-capture from the vintage training film ‘Stay Healthy With Anti-Social Distancing’, these playful rogues truly embody the old ‘follow the rules’ dictates from YourBetters!
    As the ‘flood-water’ of inflation rears its ugly head, these preppers float merrily along, secure in their knowledge of PostApoch skills!
    Although that sort of behavior was only rarely encouraged pre-PostApoch, a tasty and nourishing PostApoch stew often includes former residents of the local zoo!

  2. “Great idea, Carl. By the time we get to the other side, we’ll be too tired to chase anything, let alone impala.”

  3. In another hilarious segment of bloopers from the brilliant ‘Mexican Over-Drive Tutorial’ (keyword — ‘Max Speed Nearly Tripled’), a few ‘independent verifiers’ crowded on the tractor hitch lose their footing during hare-brained manoeuvres on a hair-pin ‘closed-track’ — usually reserved for professional drivers — and end-up in a near-by water-hazard!
    [ beverages might be involved ]

  4. 1). There are three rules about crossing rivers. The water is:
    – Colder
    – Deeper
    – And faster
    than it looks.

    2). “You said it was only going to be ANKLE deep.”

  5. After bachelor Walt the sewer worker won the lottery but stayed on the job, the cougars started going the extra mile to land him.

    1. The young cheetahs learn the hard way why you should never chase an elephant with irritable bowel syndrome.

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