Of Course It Was

As Insty puts it:



Of course, the bank lied when the shit hit the fan and covered them 6″ deep, saying oh noes, they were talking about Flynn’s wife’s cards… like that makes any difference.

Fucking woke scumbags.  The State of Texas should ban government departments from doing business with Chase in Texas, and force them to close their fucking massive office in Plano and move to California.  Or maybe we the citizens should just…

Either way, they lose.  Assholes.

Note to Chase:  doing shit like this does more harm to your so-called “reputation” than anything your cardholders might do.

Not The Same Old

All this might have made a difference to me, were it not for the fact that other than the occasional Victor Davis Hanson piece, I haven’t read anything in National Review   for nearly ten years.

Audio recordings obtained by Wired reveal that Google cooperates with and funds a range of establishment conservatives in D.C. that help it fend off scrutiny and oversight from politicians. The organizations named in Wired’s report are the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), and the Cato Institute.

It looks like conservative mag National Review was taking Google cash too. To suppress conservative speech on social media. Was this something that @NRO donors & contributors knew was taking place?

I had to laugh that the once-amusing and now-hysterical Jonah Goldberg sat in the heart of all this.

But Emerald’s best shot comes near the end:

In any culture war, Rich Lowry and the gang have always been the first to stand athwart history, crying: “We surrender first!” They’ve been so weak and defeatist during the Trump years that a year’s subscription to the magazine could be marketed as an estrogen supplement.

And the proof of our disillusionment with this bunch of pantywaists lies in NatRev‘s  financial statement and vanishing subscriber list.

And an aside:  as usual, I am so far behind the curve that it appears as flat as the horizon, because I’d never heard of Emerald Robinson before the above link from Insty (thankee, Squire).  Here she is:

…and here’s something she did.

Quote Of The Day

The Trump presidency, encapsulated:

“The economy was humming, and even after the elite’s Chi Com comrades inflicted the pangolin pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. Soleimani was a cinder and ISIS was a skid mark. We had no new wars, and the one in Afghanistan was set to end without a live production of Miss Saigon II: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Airbases.”– Kurt Schlicter

Also:  there were no concentration camps filled with homosexuals and trannies, no right-wing death squads kicking down leftists’ doors, no bans on abortion and in general, none of the doubleplusungood things that the media socialists warned us would be the consequences of a Trump presidency.

News Roundup

All the news that’s fit to make you gag.

yeah, when in doubt, go after gun owners.  It worked SO well for Weinstein.

short answer:  no.  But wait, it’s explained by an ASTROLOGER, so it’s all true. [eyecross]

oh how my heart bleeds for Hollywood

Dept. of Totalitarianism:

at least he wasn’t caught littering, which carries the death penalty in Singapore.

key word:  Illinois.

amid rumors that Dachau is reopening “under new management”.

I’m amazed to see that the Oz cops aren’t wearing jackboots.

could have been worse.  We could have been compared to Hitler (again).

And over The Pond, a reaction:

no doubt, these are just ISIS airport bombers in disguiseAnd just so you know, the headline is a lie.  The “mob” is not protesting vaccines, but “vaccine passports” and forced vaccinations.

I don’t even know where to begin on how funny this is.  Or this:

let’s hear it for the Internet Of Things.

From the Department of Suckage:



And finally:

okay, but where do we start?  Antifa or the FBI?

Enough of that.  Time for the real news:

who she, you ask?

She’s also known for her perfect Joe Biden impersonations:

Yeah, I know…