Mr. Free Market points me at this wondrous gun:
…and its review.
Typically, one uses this thing to hunt birds with names beginning with the letter “p” (partridge, pheasant, parrot) in locales such as this:
However, it should be said that the Prestige costs somewhat more than $11,000 — and if I review its characteristics against my shotgun preferences (other than price):
- side-by-side barrels: nope (O/U)
- double trigger: nope (single)
- straight “English” buttstock: nope (pistol grip)
- splinter forestock: nope (heavy full)
- weighs no more than 6.5 lbs: nope (8+ lbs)
…it fails miserably, on all counts.
Now had he sent me a similar review on this gun, I might have been more drawn to the idea of spending about two-thirds of my annual SocSec income [eyecross] on a bespoke shotgun.
As you can see, the Sovereign model retails for about half the Prestige, and has ALL my desired features (other than price).
One more time: shotgun barrels should be side by side like a man and his dog, and not over and under like a man and his mistress.
Beautiful shotgun! I’m glad they come in all sorts of styles so we can each get what we want or prefer.
I got a Browning Citori years ago because I knew I wanted to get into clays and perhaps bird hunting. It sat for quite a while due to other obligations before I took it out and it’s a nice 12gauge. I’m sure it has shortcomings but it works for me so far.
Try an RBL from Connecticut Shotgun. They can be had in 28, 20, 16 and 12 ga. SxS with English stock and double triggers for about $4k new, less used.
North of 8lbs? Might as well take a Garand to the field for your parrot hunting.
Beautiful shotguns. I had a single shot Stevens 20 gauge single shot that I used until I inherited my grandfathers Stevens 311 12 gauge. I have tried pumps and semi-autos but I always go back to the 311.
Please do not hunt the parrot. Parrots can be trained to soundly curse Communists, and then defecate on them.
As for shotguns, Pedersoli has a very nice side-by-side flintlock.