Not An Earworm

But… just brilliant.  Quite possibly the best performance of this piece ever, in terms of its individual virtuosity, the timing and pacing and the superlative mix of the instruments — thank you, Maestro Slatkin.  And Miss Khatia ain’t too bad, either.

The best 20 minutes you’ll spend all day.


I see that the “goodwill” visit of the future King of Britishland to Jamaica has been anything but, as the rather churlish response shows:

Jamaica ‘ready to move towards removing the Queen as head of state and becoming a republic as soon as Kate and William get on the plane’

See, in the days of yore, the monarch would respond by forcibly repatriating all UK-based Jamaican residents to their homeland — along with any progeny.  (Britishland does not have a U.S.-like “citizenship through birth” policy, so they could kick out anyone they want to, pretty much.)

But these are not the days of yore, sadly, so that won’t happen.  Instead, the U.K. will have to brace itself for a flood of Jamaicans arriving in London ahead of their “independence”, as Jamaica slides into the usual Third World pit, and those left behind will discover that freedom from the yoke of British paternalism (born of slavery) will have some extremely nasty consequences.

And I hope they get it, good and hard.

News Roundup

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Today, the news may not be exactly what it seems, as we take some of the above.

no comment necessary, except:

great moments in good timing.

prison wardens not available for comment.

and about time, too.

like we didn’t already know that.

I know I did.

well, I thought it was him, and “Selma” was nowhere to be found.

glug, glug:

how much worse can he possibly make the situation?  Magic 8-ball:  “Lots worse.”

“let them catch the bus”.

And now is time for INSIGNIFICA, which are actual headlines:



…hell, never mind her accent.  She has some offsetting qualities:

News over.  Next time, a return to the normal format.


As Loyal Readers know, I’m always banging on about how uniform all modern cars’ designs are — “The Wind-Tunnel School of Design” — and all that.


Take a look at this picture of old Los Angeles (I think, from the bus’s color), and see what you notice about the cars (right-click to embiggen):

And this before wind tunnels…

I stand corrected.