SPF500 Needed

After I woke up over the weekend to the usual morning Dallas springtime temperature of about 75F, I read in the Brit newspapers that Britishland was “baking” in midday temperatures of 72F.  And sure enough, the Pale People were flocking to the beach:

Here are a couple of closeups — as it happens, of the same three girls:

And while I’m on the topic of Brits frolicking in the sun, here’s a pic I forgot to post from Aintree, last week:

How did Britain ever lose her Empire?

Before Zoom

…and I’m not talking about the Internet comm thing.  Here’s a series of pics taken with an old camera in Germany sometime in the 1930s (before the zoom lens was commercially available to the mass market):

Whoa!  I mean WHOA!  People took those kinds of pics out in public back then?

Oh.  Well, at least she looks pretty…

Aaaargh.  And this is why technology is not always horrible.


Some fuckwit decided that this would be a nice window display for Easter:

Let me tell you:  I’m not a Christian, and even I’m pissed off at this.  Had I been in North London and seen this, I would have:

  • gone to Primark and bought a cheap, throwaway hoodie jacket
  • found a brick or large rock somewhere
  • waited till dark
  • you can guess the rest.

I await the time when this asshole puts up a display of the Prophet Mohammed fucking a young girl, just in time for the first day of Ramadan.

For the sake of “equity”, of course.