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And we begin the Roundup on a parallel topic…

…more likely it’ll end breakfast through mass vomiting at the table.

…so: no harm, no foul then.

…ummm I hate to break it to you, kids, but Barbie never had a ‘gina anyway.

…lose your own armed bodyguards first, fatso, and then we’ll talk. (no link because duh)

…as long as we raise the voting age back to 21 as well, seeing as kids can’t be trusted to be responsible. (no link because ditto)
From the Dept. of Irony:

…so much for that DIY book.
From the Dept. Of Useless Police:

…and even though he lives on the same street as she does, the cops will do nothing.

…kinda like getting marriage counseling from a Catholic priest, innit?
From the Dept. Of Suckage:

…and yet, Bette Midler is still alive.

…“Who the fuck are you?” was clearly not the pillow talk she expected.
And in blessedly link-free INSIGNIFICA:

And finally: because it’s a short work week, I thought I’d celebrate with a few random pieces of smut lying around the place. Call it a spring clean.

Thank gawd it’s Tuesday.