Three Shootings, Three Differences

Let’s look at the recent past:

Deranged White kid shoots up a predominantly Black-patronized supermarket in Buffalo, NY — motive:  who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally in New York, the state with allegedly the toughest gun-purchasing requirements and safeguards in the U.S.  Of course, being as he’s White, it’s all the result of Evil White Supremacy (EWS Tucker Carlson genus).

Deranged Hispanic kid shoots up a primary school in Uvalde, TX (a predominantly Hispanic town) — motive: who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally.  Kid’s Hispanic, so we can’t pin this on EWS, so we’ll go with the “assault rifle” bullshit.

Deranged Black guy (36) shoots up a Korean hairdressing salon in Koreatown, Dallas — motive:  this time, we know the guy’s a psycho because he has delusions that the Dallas Korean mafia (?) is out to get him.  The shooter’s car has been linked to two previous drive-by shootings in Koreatown.

Waddya mean, you never heard of the third episode?  Here ya go.  I leave it to my Readers to wonder why it never got any national/international press coverage, as the first two did.  Actually, I won’t.  The asshole is Black, hence the sound of crickets.

And for those who missed it, here’s the media guide:

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Don’t you just love it when tough old broads take care of much-younger assholes in a righteous manner?

A 70-year-old woman said she fired a warning shot after a stranger walked into her home Sunday afternoon and wouldn’t leave, before ultimately shooting him. The man died at the hospital.

Right on, Gammy.  Although the warning shot was an unnecessary precaution… still:

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Beretta Giubileo II (20ga)

Seen at Collectors, this matched pair of beauties (“Giubileo” is pronounced like “Jubilee”, which is its actual meaning):

Some close-ups:

And the only change I’d make is to get a proper “motor case” from these guys, to replace that gay-looking Beretta one:

(I know, $440 is a lot to spend on a gun case;  but considering that the matched gun package costs $20,000 it’s not a bad deal.)

To put this price in perspective, this matched pair of Asprey guns costs $40,000 more than the Berettas.  Let’s not even get started on the Hollands and Purdeys…

Alert Readers will spot the only fly in this exquisite jar of Italian facial cream is that the guns have single triggers.  But even then… O madre.


When I first started blogging back in early 2001, I didn’t enable comments on my website because its original purpose was to showcase my writing, such as it was back then.  This is why there were a lot of essays and such — lengthy pieces wherein I explored the world, my world and the world around me — and I have to admit, it was hard work.

Then one day I threw up a pic of a gun that I liked, completely out of left field and quite gratuitous.  That became a weekly fixture, and then inevitably, as I started reading more and more about guns, I got dragged into the politics of guns, and thereafter into politics in general.  And the rest you know.

But in all that time, I felt as though I was just shouting into the void, not knowing whether anyone heard me or cared.

Then Connie suggested I open the site to comments, and I resisted fiercely for about a couple of weeks because I’d seen how other websites had been overrun by trolls and other such pond scum, and I just did not have the patience to deal with that.  So she suggested that I ban anonymous comments, requiring people to register their email addresses first, and reluctantly I agreed.

Now I can’t function without comments, or to be more specific, not only my Readers’ feedback and arguments, but the several friendships which have arisen from this contact.  So the past week or so, where I’ve just been shouting into the void again, made it unbelievably difficult to summon up the motivation to post anything at all, and I have to tell you, I found it difficult to write about anything.

So if the past Time Of Silence sucked, content-wise, please forgive me.  I’ll Try To Do Better — but already I’ve noticed that it’s easier to do so.

Welcome back, y’all — and that comes straight from the heart.

All that said, over the next week, Tech Support and I (mostly Tech Support) will be rebuilding this website completely:  new dedicated server, fuck off Hosting Matters, etc.

The format should remain the same, and it should happen more or less seamlessly; but if you hit that shortcut / bookmark and you get this:

…for an hour or so, please be patient.  Just know that I will be chafing and biting my lip as much or more than you are.  TS has promised to keep me, and you degenerates informed as much as possible (his word, not mine; as though a fixation with seditious ramblings, guns, cars and boobs is degenerate).


I know, I know:  when shooting a bear out of season, the best advice is “Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up”.

It’s a little difficult to follow that, though, when you and your wife are covered with bear bites and the fucking corpse is lying in your hallway, bleeding into the carpet:

A couple living in Wisconsin said they killed a bear when it attacked them inside their house on Friday, leaving them injured. The incident took place not long after the couple noticed the animal was eating from their bird feeder, the Associated Press (AP) reported Sunday.

Officials with the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office said the incident happened late that night at the residence near Medford, and according to the couple, the bear crashed through a window after they shouted at the animal to scare it away.

“Both the husband and wife were injured before they were able to stab the bear with a kitchen knife. Eventually, the man was able to grab a firearm and kill the animal,” the AP article continued.

A photo showed the bear lying on the floor in a hallway.

Also good advice:  don’t bring a knife to a bear fight.

For those ignorant of Wisconsin, Medford is smack dab in the middle of nowhere the state, and close to a national forest.

Only One?

(Note: this whole post was “triggered” by this article)

The open secret among us conservatives is the “one bullet” game in which you are asked, “If you had one shot you could take at someone, with a free pass, who would get the bullet?”

This causes a great deal of reflection among the more thoughtful of us, with much wailing and cursing because the Left offers us, shall we say, an absolute cornucopia of choices.  (And I sympathize:  I myself would need at least a case of 7.62x39mm to lance the various boils on our national and international polity.)

The choice is a tough one, especially where one is presented with a local option — e.g. one of the Soros prosecutors like that asshole in L.A. — or a national one, like Hillary Clinton, or even an international one like the aforementioned Soros, or Bill Gates.  Each of the three categories has much to recommend it, of course, but I would argue against the local option because it’s far too easy for the Left to find a similar, or even worse replacement.

No;  the way forward is a national or international target, provided that the international one is spreading his or her malignity into our own United States (which would exclude the perpetually-horrible Tony Blair, for instance, but make George Soros a front-runner).

Forgive me for being a tad parochial on that point, but given the disproportionate effect that our nation has on the world in general, I think it’s a defensible position.

And I’m not going to play this game here today — it’s far better played in person among friends and fellow conservatives, where spirited arguments can rage (and have done so, I suspect) in favor of each person’s nomination.  And please take note:  I’d rather that nobody played the game in my Comments section too, but I’m not in the business of telling people what they can and can’t write.

I should also point out that among conservatives, “One Bullet” is pretty much a game (albeit, perhaps, in questionable taste).  For the Left, however, the Enemy Elimination List is almost certainly lying in some DHS / FBI bureaucrat’s drawer somewhere, awaiting implementation.