Let’s look at the recent past:
Deranged White kid shoots up a predominantly Black-patronized supermarket in Buffalo, NY — motive: who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally in New York, the state with allegedly the toughest gun-purchasing requirements and safeguards in the U.S. Of course, being as he’s White, it’s all the result of Evil White Supremacy (EWS Tucker Carlson genus).
Deranged Hispanic kid shoots up a primary school in Uvalde, TX (a predominantly Hispanic town) — motive: who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally. Kid’s Hispanic, so we can’t pin this on EWS, so we’ll go with the “assault rifle” bullshit.
Deranged Black guy (36) shoots up a Korean hairdressing salon in Koreatown, Dallas — motive: this time, we know the guy’s a psycho because he has delusions that the Dallas Korean mafia (?) is out to get him. The shooter’s car has been linked to two previous drive-by shootings in Koreatown.
Waddya mean, you never heard of the third episode? Here ya go. I leave it to my Readers to wonder why it never got any national/international press coverage, as the first two did. Actually, I won’t. The asshole is Black, hence the sound of crickets.
And for those who missed it, here’s the media guide: