Forewarned Means Nothing

Like nobody could see this coming.  From Buffalo NY:

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after.”

This led to a referral for the troubled teen to a mental health evaluation.

[But] Gendron was later able to purchase firearms in the state.

I was told that NY had the strictest gun-purchasing laws in the U.S., and their politicians are always wailing about criminals getting their guns from out of state.

Not our boy Payton.  Bought his AR-15 right there near his home town in NY, and then went a-hunting at a supermarket 200 miles away.

He should be executed, of course (and Charles Lehman agrees with me), but he won’t be.

Instead, we’ll be told that blame for this little episode lies with the gun / White supremacists / the NRA / Tucker Carlson / websites like this one, etc., instead of with a troubled kid and the authorities who knew all about him and did nothing.

And if the above seems a trifle strong to you, see what City Journal suggests.

News Update

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And so after poor Marie’s fate, more bad news:

then “NO PENIS NO VOTE”.  See how that works?

like eating ham through the wrapper.

fuck off, fascistTell you when I and most gun owners might accept a set of federal gun laws:  when they are identical to those of Texas (including Castle Doctrine and others of that ilk), and as long as the poxy NFA is also repealed.

From the Dept. of Irony:

…or “because of”?  I get so confused

oh stop it, I just can’t deal with this bullshit anymore.

in which we see the dangers of someone editing what you write (original headline in link).

lessee, now:  hundreds of BLM rioters looting on that day, and she gets charged?  (Episode #1,343 of “guess the race”, with a twist).

sheesh, and I thought $120 for a bottle of wine and two salads was expensive in Monaco.

all part of that “culture sharing” thing in EUtopia.  Still on trains:

Nostradamus Kim predicts an increase in crime on LA transit lines.



And finally, a fond farewell:

Whoa… some actual news in there.  I’ll try to do better next time.

No Kidding

I didn’t need any damn study to tell me this:

A new peer-reviewed study found that the protection from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine against the Omicron variant fades in just a week after receiving the second and third dose.

Both New Wife and I got the OmiGodicron thing about a month after we got our second vaccination.

The next time some asswipe gummint flunky tells me that I need another vaccination, I’m gonna tell him/her/it to fuck off.

I’ve had more pricks than Madonna, and I have sneaking suspicion that none of them were necessary, nor effective.

Just Wrong

I don’t follow any kind of professional fighting (boxing, MMA, whatever) so I first thought Paige VanZant was Ronnie’s daughter or something.  Of course, I was wrong, about that anyway, as she’s quite well-known in fighting circles:

Okay, she cleans up pretty nicely, albeit in that not-quite-trailer-park kinda way:

But that’s not what’s upsetting me.  This is:

What the hell kind of gun is young Paige holding?  It looks like she’s about to shoot one of those USPS book-boxes.

Yeah, I know, it’s a Kriss Vector (sounds like an old Marvel villain’s name), and all the cool kids are shooting them.

My feelings on all these modernistic guns is, I think, well known;  but seriously?  This is uglier than a USPS book-box.  1960’s-era Buck Rogers Mattel toy comes to mind.

And all this at $1,600 just to shoot the silly 9mm Europellet?  Pass.

I need to get my busted M1 Carbine to the gunsmith.

Doesn’t look as cool as the Mattel thingy, but mine also has a 15-round (non-Glock) magazine (which isn’t relevant as I don’t own a Glock pistol anyway).

And I’ll take the .30 Carbine over the 9mmP every day of the week.

Problems, We Have Them

Tech Support tells me that the login issues are not the only ones he’s finding, but as he has an actual (well-) paying job, for some reason he’s putting that first instead of my problems.  Go figure.

Please be patient.