One Less Marxist

Sheesh, when California voters kick you out of office, you must be a total asshole.

One of Chesa Boudin’s first moves after being elected with just over 50% of the vote was to eliminate cash bail for suspects. He also had directed his department to refuse to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, prosecuted fewer shoplifters, and in March of 2021, he dismissed the killing of an 84-year-old Thai immigrant as a “sort of temper tantrum” gone bad.

Homicides and property crimes including burglaries and car thefts have spiked over the past two years, and Boudin’s handling of suspected fentanyl dealers has draw criticism.

No shit.  Sayonara, Commie bastard.

By the way, Boudin has no sense of irony.

“People are angry, they’re frustrated, and I want to be very clear about what happened tonight: The right-wing billionaires outspent us three to one, they exploited an environment in which people are appropriately upset, and they created an electoral dynamic where we were literally shadowboxing,” Boudin said.

Yeah, no mention of the fact that his original election victory was bankrolled by Marxist billionaire George Soros.

Domestic Terrorism

Oh, this is fun:

In the middle of the night Wednesday, police arrested an armed California man near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home after the man allegedly told officers he wanted to kill the justice.

Of course, he’ll only be charged with illegal possession of a firearm, will plead down to misdemeanor picking his nose in public, and be freed on $10 bail.

I leave it to my Readers’ imaginations as to what would have happened had this been a Texan stalking judges Kagan, Sotomayor or that new Commie.  Especially the latter, her being Black and all.


…at the gas station yesterday:

“If these fuckers don’t do something soon, they’re gonna need all those Guardsmen around the Capitol.  And I ain’t kidding.”

I report, you decide.

New Horror


Applying gun control logic to the above, I think that we should ban all backpacks.  After all, nobody needs to own a backpack, which frees the arms and hands to perpetrate horrible atrocities like this one.  Had the scumbag been carrying a suitcase, he wouldn’t have been able to do this.

Don’t even get me started on the high-capacity military-style backpacks, which have no place in civilian ownership.

Commonsense backpack control.  It’s time.

Quote Of The Day

As timely as ever:

“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves;  it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders.”
— George Orwell

Corollary:  “…and exile, punish or execute all those who refuse to accept the reforms.”