Death Wish

After Margaret Thatcher rescued the British economy from the pit the Socialists had dropped it into, and driven the Argies out of the Falklands, her position was sabotaged not by the Opposition, but from within her own party.  All the good she’d done was forgotten, and out she went.

And so it goes, again, with the man who successfully got the Brits out of the foul EU and stood up to that vile Russian thug Putin when everyone else was going all Neville Chamberlain:

Boris Johnson is a student of Shakespeare – but today he is the victim of his own Roman tragedy after being brutally knifed by pals.
Once the ultimate popular leader who defied political gravity, his premiership has been brought crashing down by his own Tory troops.
His bloody ousting is the climax of a spectacular fall from grace after storming to a huge landslide victory less than three years ago.

The only thing that may save the not-so Conservative Party is that the not-so Loyal Opposition is a bloody shambles.

I shall discuss this latest example of Perfidious Albion with Mr. Free Market over the weekend, and see what he has to say.


Remember when I said that conservatives (and the few conservative Republicans) should declare victory, and not start overreaching and going crazy?

This is what I meant by going crazy:

The delegates of the Republican Party of Texas voted overwhelmingly to add a plank to the party platform calling for a statewide vote for returning to an independent nation. Texas GOP officials told Breitbart Texas the plank received approximately 80 percent of the delegate votes cast at the June state convention.

You fucking morons.  The Great State of Texas can’t even manage its electricity delivery properly (whether it’s too cold or too hot), and now you want to be an independent country?

You know, we do not call them the Stupid Party for nothing — they earn the sobriquet just about every election cycle.

Just keep on walking in that direction, why don’tcha.

Oh and by the way:  I myself — one of the most conservative Republican voters you’ll ever meet — will vote against the measure.

News Roundup

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And if today’s news roundup doesn’t make your ass burn, you’re a better man than I am.

coming soon to a car near you.

no homeschooled 10-year-olds were included in the report, because 100% would have been no shock at all.

hey, if you can’t kill them with abortion

wouldn’t know.  Haven’t had one since the early 1970s.

so, no more “original” songs from her, then, as breakups have always been her principal source.  Till the divorce comes along — assuming, of course, the marriage actually takes place.

I’d also stop eating if someone started doing that to me to me.  Wait…

after a damn good spanking.  I’m thinking sjamboks, but that’s just the African in me talking.

And from the annals of Gun Control, Massacre Division:

why the question mark?

so that doesn’t work, either.  LOL.

agreed.  However, then the city’s Democrat ruling party’s policies would start to get attention, and we can’t have that.

accused of what? Telling the truth?  Rape is terrible, and I’m all for flaying, flogging etc. of rapists;  but murder is a whole ‘nother brand of terrible.

and that’s before we start with the minefields.

sheesh, I didn’t even know that Blacks went on cruises.

to get that high a percentage, the poll must have been conducted in the Princeton faculty lounge.

yep, and OFF! is now a weapon of mass destruction.  JHC.

And now ’tis time for the link-free INSIGNIFICA:


and boy, are you going to thank me for no link to those last two.

And lastly:

I can’t remember the story and I couldn’t be bothered to look for it, but apparently a German soccer coach has left his wife for a comely young sports news reporter.  The hottie that follows isn’t that woman, but with reporters like her going around, that affair is unsurprising.  Ladies and gentleman, allow me to prevent Sky Italia’s  Diletta Leotta (and a delight she is, too):

On seeing these pics, Longtime Friend and Former Bandmate Knob’s comment was:

So much for the news.  Oh wait, one more thing:

Read more


Many of us greeted with dismay the action of President Braindead to release oil from our strategic reserve, supposedly in order to reduce the price thereof.

Well yes, and now this:

Americans received a nasty surprise when they learned today that much of the oil released from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been exported rather than refined domestically in the U.S. to lower the cost of gasoline at the pump.

President Joe Biden’s ongoing million barrel a day release of oil from nation’s oil reserve has depleted it to levels not seen since 1968.  All at a time when the Biden administration has engaged in wholesale war against domestic energy producers under the guise of forcing energy transformation on America.

You might ask who is getting our oil that is being drained from what effectively is our military’s national security oil savings bank

Reuters reports that China is one of the June recipients of the formerly strategic oil.

How nice.

More Fish To Fry

I think it’s time that conservatives look at the overturning of Roe, declare victory, and move on to more important (and really vital) social topics, at the state level, rather than start making people nervous by more-invasive anti-abortion laws.

And by “people”, I mean people like me.

Yes, there will always be some state-level folly that needs to be addressed — oppressive state gun ownership “tests”, for example — but just as with the major 2A victory, let’s not push for AK-47s in Aisle 7 at Kroger because while that doesn’t make me especially nervous, it probably would most people.  Apply that concept to abortion-restrictive laws, and you’ll get my drift.

Let’s start with another state power:  our schools and the destructive policies of Critical Race Theory, anti-male indoctrination and Marxism which have all become embedded in public school curricula.

If we want a more urgent local action, let’s address another state power:  that of voting management and policy.  Without serious controls in place to guarantee that another ten million votes aren’t suddenly “found” in ballot boxes or the foul voting machines, none of the rest counts.

We’ve won the 2A battle and we’ve destroyed the Constitutional foolishness of Roe v. Wade.  It’s time to get serious about the rest of the Counterculture.

Oh, and if we want another national ailment to tackle, let’s talk about the wokeness and feminization of the Armed Forces, and their baleful effects on our ability to protect this republic.  More on that later.