News Roundup

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And the news will be only a little worse than a root canal (if that’s the name for that particular position;  I’m kinda out of touch).

big deal; pretty much everyone at the FBI could be busted for that.

From the Dept. Of The Blindingly Obvious:

oh please:  Ukraine is more desirable than New York or California.

one more time, with feeling:

chances of a school shooting in that county: <0

if you ignore the “fascist” (which is just shorthand for “someone we don’t like”), we’re left with “White Nationalist”. The GOP isn’t even that.

not to beat this dead hooker any more, but this wouldn’t have happened with nukes. You idiots.

and then there are those like Your Grumpy Editor, who was never sweet on them to begin with.

an inspired example of “community policing” — what happens when cops don’t do their duty.  Local U.S. police forces, nota bene.

when asked for a comment, Zeus said simply, “My bad, I missed.”

and I’d like to wring this little Colorado cocksucker’s neck, but no doubt someone’s going to have a problem with this.

the article is about HHS, but I’ve edited the headline to make it more all-purpose.  Feel free to point out where I’m wrong.

And in link-free INSIGNIFICA:

      actually sorta btdt, no names, no pain.

wait:  Shania Twain is 56???

Now that’s news, if there ever was.


  1. Over a month to see a doctor? Think about YEARS.
    I’m on a 3+ year waiting list here in the Netherlands to receive the medical care I need. Thank god the condition isn’t in itself fatal (though it does cause a lot of side effects, mostly suicidal depression and extreme anxiety) but that’s an insanely long waiting list for anything.

    But with several hundred thousand potential patients (given the estimated incidence as a percentage of the population) and only 3 hospitals nationwide offering treatment for it…

    1. Same deal here in Canada. I’m 4 months into waiting 2 to 3 years for day surgery to remove nasal polyps.

      As far as I can tell the Americans have made a hash of their formerly free enterprise system with too many government regulations and various subsidies coupled with insane laws allowing lawyers to take large chunks of medical dollars.

      1. You seem to be reading the situation pretty accurately. Just expand it to everything in the US now.

  2. My good sir,

    If we are wringing the necks of worthless politicians*, there are a number of us Coloradans who are in line ahead of you WRT Chickenlooper.

    * To the similarly worthless bureaucrat who might read into this an actual threat on Mr. Hickenlooper, I assure you that we are decidedly not at the point where we are actually wringing the necks of worthless politicians.

  3. “Biden [Press Secretary], Led By Unqualified Diversity Pick , Blowing It”
    I thought Jen Psaki, [remember her – Zuckerburg in drag?] was bad, but this new thing, black lesbian Karine Hyphenpuffer is astoundingly bad. She’s in so far over her pretty little head, she doesn’t even know she’s drowning.
    She couldn’t hold a press conference for some neighborhood second graders opening a lemonade stand, never mind speak for the most powerful office in the world. To add insult to injury, she’s not only Press Secretary, but her job title includes Assistant to the President!
    What the hell could an ignorant idiot like her advise the President on?
    The only thing I can think of is maybe some tips on carpet munching. Maybe Jill hired her.

  4. Germany is at 42.5 cents per kWh. Where I live, it’s 12.4 cents per kWh, and the Aug 2022 USA average is 14.2 cents per kWh.
    Unfortunately, that gives the Biden Facists a goal to shoot for; we just can’t have affordable energy because it’s unGlobally unfair.
    Meanwhile, in Germany, they are trying to figure out how to get coal barges up the low flowing rivers to fuel their resurrected coal power plants.
    Before Biden shut down natural gas production here, before Putin’s perceiving what a blustering weak idiot Biden is and invaded Ukraine, LPG tankers from the US could supply German needs by feeding pipeline terminals, which run regardless of river levels.
    Remember the Bounty towel ad? “Bounty, The Quicker Picker-Upper”
    Well, I’ve seen a T shirt that says “Biden, The Quicker Fucker-Upper.”
    We should all wear one of those every day, just to remind the Biden-voting drones where their problems come from and where they should direct their anger and dismay.

  5. My fave “autonomous vehicle” is a(n) (pick a method)-launched Tomahawk cruiser –
    nuke equipped as needed.

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