Boo Fucking Hoo

Look who’s got all fwightened:

FBI Director Christopher Wray has claimed “deplorable and dangerous” threats have been made against the agency following the raid on former President Donald Trump’s private residence in Florida.

What did you think was going to happen?  That Americans would nod approvingly at yet another instance of over-the-top FBI actions?  [See Monday’s post for one prime example]

“I’m always concerned about threats to law enforcement,” Wray said. “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”

Unless law enforcement is behaving more like an occupying army than actual enforcers of the law.  Once more, with feeling, J.D. Tucille’s excellent quote:

“If cops continue to play at being an army of occupation, they should expect the subjects to play their role in return. Vive la résistance.”

But by all means, FBI Director Wray, please continue to let your black-clad goons oppress us.  Then when it all goes to shit on you — and one day, it must — wonder how people could be so unreasonable and deplorable.

You little Stasi bastard.  Don’t trip on the steps going up to the platform.


  1. Yeah, Asshat General Garland and his attempt to hide his corruption and his corrupted, wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC organization under the umbrella of “Law Enforcement”.

    That’s the point the twisted weasel doesn’t get, law enforcement, not totalitarian thugism.

    I’m not behind Defund the Police.
    Defund the DOJ and the FBI on the other hand…that sounds great.

  2. I take a backseat to no one when it comes to my contempt for Donnie Douchebag, despite having held my nose & voted for him last time around. Nonetheless, the unprecedented raid on his crib is asinine in the extreme. If the Dems had more than two brain cells to rub together, they’d consider the precedents they’re setting, because the shoe always winds up on the other foot. President Braindead and his family have made a boatload of money transacting with two of the most corrupt & totalitarian regimes earth, Ukraine & China. Well worth looking into.

    Dems won’t do that, of course. Any more than they did when Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees. Pro-lifers should be celebrating Reid as the greatest pro-life majority leader of all time.

    What goes around comes around.

    1. Slant,
      You’re absolutely right. the problem is getting the squish Republicans to adopt the same tactics as the racist Democrat death cult. Harry Reid did in fact pave the way for Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court. As appalling as Trump’s mouth can be, his appointments to the judiciary were fantastic. Sure Trump has an appalling moral code but he really surprised me with some of his policy positions and accomplishments. Someone compared to voting for Trump to hiring a very vulgar plumber to fix your plumbing. If he does a great job at fixing your plumbing then you can overlook his vile language etc.

      Trump should have used DOJ to indict HIllary for her vast array of crimes. People have been convicted with far less evidence.


  3. I’m surprised some lunatic hasn’t emulated the DC sniper attack of Malvo and Muhammed but restricted their targets to FBI etc. That lasted three weeks, killed 10 and injured 3. It also made an awful lot of people scared for quite a while.


  4. I notice he said “threats against the agency”, not threats against agents or other personnel.

    I wonder if what he is really nervous about is the promised strict scrutiny he and his minions have been promised if the Stupid Party takes the House in November? And calls to disband the FeeBes?

  5. He won’t be getting the chance to trip going up the platform steps, this shit keeps up.

    There are other, urm, more direct remedies.

    1. Of course there are, but nothing beats that satisfying CRUNCH as the guillotine blade severs the head from the body.

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