1. Remember those old commercials and the old saying “so easy a caveman could do it” ?

    Well, us normal hard working people are now outnumbered and surrounded by simpletons who can’t function normally.

    The state of fuck up ness of the world around us is proof.

    In simple terms. “We be fucked”

    In other good news. If you are a loser and took out big student loans and don’t ever wish to repay them, Biden is “cancelling” $ 10,000 in student debt. $ 20,000 if you have a pell grant.

    Is this retro?

    Is this permanent moving forward?

    Or just for the current set of Losers?

  2. College did mean Education for all of us Engineering Students in the Late 60’s, What “Females” there were apparently played for the other team anyway. So, no partying until summer for me. … and no “Spring Break” either – that was catch-up time.

    On the other hand, no one ever graduated from MIT with any student dept. If you could not afford it, there was a program /scholarship available. — but expect to be reminded of that by the “resource development office” of the Alumni office after you start to make some money. It’s not by accident that MIT and Stanford have massive endowments.

      1. More recent Numbers ( depends on who’s counting )
        1 Harvard – 37 B
        3 Stanford – 25 B
        5 MIT – 15 B

        Thanks Brandon.

    1. Engineering school in the 90s did have more women in our classes but the ratios were still appalling.


  3. > When did college ever mean “education”, anyway?

    Before the 1960s across the anglosphere. It used to be that you got out of highschool you had basic life skills. Then, if your parents were rich or you were *really* bright you went to college to learn about the rest of the world and to develop advanced life skills.

    Then we had WWII, and the GI bill, and instead of going to college to “learn about the world” people started going to college to “get a better job”.

    For any given college or university you can figure out exactly when they made the transition–when Greek or Latin was no longer required to graduate.

    1. It’s all been downhill since they stopped requiring that all theses be written in Latin.

  4. I’ve never heard of the Tennessee Virginity Club and I live on a couple of miles from the University of Tennessee

    I have to admit, though, that the idea of keeping the university’s incels segregated is quite attractive

    You can spot them a mile away

    1. Reminds me of the old joke about the virgin parade: one got pregnant and the other refused to walk alone.

  5. My engineering degree from the early 90s was worthwhile and my healthcare degree in the early 2000s was worthwhile. There was little if any mention of politics during my education in engineering. When I changed careers there was regular mentions of politics and it was certainly one sided nonsense.

    Stick to STEM subjects. Very few other subjects have a good return on investment.


  6. I don’t know about the USA but it seems that on this side of the pond degrees are replacing apprenticeships.

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