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And our news is also hard-hitting (okay, maybe not so much):

...that’s just great, Jeff. Now advise me how to hold off on another “big purchase” like my glaucoma eyedrops, which went from about $200 to over $400 in just under two years.

...wait; don’t we have the TSA checks which would stop this mope from getting not one but TWO boxcutters onto the flight?

...good. I’m getting so sick of all the faggy families bullshit on TV.

...say, for example, by turning Indiana Jones into “Indianetta” Jones? Oh, wait, this just in:

...to see the franchise nosedive like Chick Ghostbusters”, maybe? But there’s always more Woke to be had in the Magic Kingdom:

...just another movie nobody will watch.

...his money, his prerogative to spend it as he chooses. Then:

...and can anyone think of a more worthy recipient?

...and surprise, surprise: not Florida Man — but “keyword: Japan” would run a close second.

...thought about this for a while; nope, still don’t see the problem here.

...good old Apple: still expecting people to overpay for trendy rubbish.
And from the forgettable INSIGNIFICA:

Paige Three:

Finally, for tomorrow, a reminder: