Colonoscopy in one hour’s time for Kimmy.
Yeah, I know: TMI. Sometimes on this blog, ya just gotta take the rough with the smooth.
Wish me luck.
Update: back home, all good. The Commies are stuck with me for a while yet.
Colonoscopy in one hour’s time for Kimmy.
Yeah, I know: TMI. Sometimes on this blog, ya just gotta take the rough with the smooth.
Wish me luck.
Update: back home, all good. The Commies are stuck with me for a while yet.
Comments are closed.
Hope everything comes out okay…
Kim, you’ll be fine. In my limited experience, the prep was much worse than the ‘scope. Suffice it to say, I’m a BIG FAN of Milk of Amnesia (aka Propofol). I case anyone is wondering, and you’re probably not, Propofol is the stuff that killed Michael Jackson.
– Brad
Michael Jackson’s doctor (or whoever actually administered the drugs) killed Michael Jackson. This was not “propofol violence”…
Okay .. that’s fair. Improper use / improper administration of the drug was the cause of death, not the drug itself. A small yet very important distinction.
Prep for my 2d was much easier than the first. Was semi-conscious for both, woke up every time they rammed around a corner…but clean bill of health for both, so far.
Ah gots ta know – will the January 6th Committee be in attendance?
Good luck, Kim!
Here’s an example of my Doc’s sense of humor…
Five years ago at nearly midnight on Christmas Eve/Morning, I noticed some blood in my stools. In getting that resolved (ended up being just an intestinal virus) the Doc scoped me from both ends. As I’m laying there on the slab, I remarked something like, “You aren’t using the same scope for both ends are you?”
The doc deadpanned, “Actually, I am. If you’re nice to me, I’ll do the top end first.”.
I’ve had three, all told. Each time it’s gotten easier. The ‘prep’ has been less revolting, the procedure has had less of an impact. This last time, the most annoying thing was that the hospital has a policy of not letting colonoscopy patients drive themselves home…or call a taxi (or Uber). Why the &^%@# do they want me to do? Flap my arms and FLY?
Well, of course, they expect me to have family to drive me. And for several reasons, that ain’t the case.
Had one 20 years ago, not going back for it again, ever.
Yeah, you won’t know the procedure even happened and if done right, in a few weeks thereafter you will be “normal”. Just pray the docs are paying attention to all of the actions needed.
No details but mine did not pay attention and it took near 4 years for body to mend their inattention, hence my vow as quoth the raven “nevermore”
Good luck, Kim
I’ve had half a dozen of these scopes, and mine all went fine
I have been through three now. There is no good thing to say about the prep. It is what it is. Stuff they found was removed and each time I was given a clean bill of health, till the next scoping.
They tell me now that I have reached the age where more scoping won’t be very beneficial. Whatever has been growing since the last one probably won’t kill me before my clock runs out anyway, so they want to save the appointments for younger folks.
Good luck with yours. When you’re done, go eat or drink something you probably shouldn’t have to celebrate.
Have you ever wondered what it is that someone would find attractive about being a proctologist? FWIW both of mine (one now retired) are women.
Hope it goes well.
Some humor to get you laughing at the situation.
– “That better be your finger in their Doc”.
– Doc, you told me to bend over and relax… Just to be clear, I can do both of those things, just not at the same time”.
We all wish you well and hope things are clean health wise. We have a selfish reason that we want this blog to continue and we do of course care about you as well.
Good luck.
and the very old one, “Go back and tell your boss I can’t find any lead up there!”
As I said to the Proctologist for my first one, “You can’t say I’m full of shit.”
He smiled and said, “Well, that’s what we’re here to find out.”
The prep and the scope sucked.
Not as bad as the precancerous polyps would have sucked if I had put the colonoscopy off any longer.
Get scoped. Do your arse a favor.
ps: I’m now on a once every two year colonoscopy cycle for as long as my wife lets me live. I don’t wanna hear anyone bitchin’ about a colonoscopy once a decade.
Also beats carrying around a bag of your own poop if you get colon cancer.
To the Good:
o My anesthesiologist was a Smokin’ Hot little blonde California Surfer Girl. Very pleasant to wake up to.
o The nurse aides were a matched set of very cute and pneumatic brunettes.
To the Bad:
o The last thing I saw before completing my count backward from 100 (100, 99, 9…) was my Fundamental projected on a 72″ monitor. Don’t tell me the aides didn’t do that on purpose. Damn brunettes. ;^)’
Good luck! Smile for the camera!
Tons of jokes about what they find, car keys, heads, their spouse’s foot, etc etc.
They make great Christmas cards. Send one to the politician of your choice with the caption “pucker up and kiss me here”
What a coinky-dink – mine is today too. At least the worst part is over (the prep).
Did it on eat 60. They did not find anything and where tight on the nightly night sauce. What I woke up to would curl my hair had I any left. That was 7 years ago and it will be at least 60 more before they gat another shot.
They need to remember some manners before I let them have at me. Cold hearted bastards.
Hope you had a nice nap. Next time I am going to ask the doctor if he found my watch.
//Update: back home, all good.//
Excellent. On reflection, you’d probably agree that the experience was not as bad as having a gang of midgets armed with headlamps and pickaxes troop aboard a little copper gondola, which you them would swallow. (Heard about this from a doctor, so it must be true.)
Make sure the doctor writes a note to New Wife that your head, in fact, was not up there. ;{D
I had two in 2022. First in August where they found a 2″ (50 mm) pre-cancerous polyp. They did a followup in December. As many have noted, the prep is worse than the operation.
One good thing about the prep: it’s a great weight loss regimen. I lost 6 pounds overnight!
Of course, as my wife constantly points out: it’s just water loss, and and it comes back almost immediately.
As for those who say they will never get another colonoscopy: think long and hard about that, unless you want to take the risk of dying of colon cancer.