I have to admit that I’ve never been a great fan of Betty Grable‘s face — that smile is too cheesy, her cheekbones too plump and prominent.
I actually prefer her face in repose:
But let’s be perfectly honest, here: back in the 1940s, it was not her face that was insured for a million dollars (about $21 million in today’s Biden-dollars).
Worth every penny.
Pins, Get-away-sticks, regardless, they go all the way up.
I Prefer Rita Hayworth, myself. More mobile face.
Funny you should say that about her cheekbones – most of the women you think are beauties are plump beyond plump.
Harry James loved those gams.
When my doctor prescribed me additional medicine for my blood pressure to reduce my ankle swelling, he said he wanted me to have “Betty Grable legs.” It’s the only time I’ve ever suspected he was flirting with me.