Subtle Hints

Here’s a real tearjerker for you:

Lowri Rose grew up in a devout Christian home but her local church “grassed” on her when she started flogging naked snaps.

Her stepdad then called her to say the family wanted nothing to do with her and she has had zero contact with them since.

Gosh… if her family had only had some small clue about her side job, say on their summer holidays:

…or around the house:

…or even in the backyard:

Ugh.  If she was a waitress, I wouldn’t even want her serving my food.


  1. Masses of visible tats are a ghastly scourge of modern womanhood. Tat’s can turn a ten into a four, if that. and turn a seven into a two, if not a zero.

  2. Well, first that must be one magic tattoo on her leg, it keeps changing legs. First the left leg, then the right, then the left again.

    1. All the tats all flip sides of her body. Look closer.
      Somebody’s not paying attention to which side of the slide is ‘up’.
      Happens all the time, in movies as well when the film gets ‘flipped over’
      during editing.

      1. For a couple of years the third reel of Lawrence of Arabia had been flipped to no one’s attention, until IMDB came along and someone looked really close to see boom mikes or trucks or some goof and discovered the wristwatch of Lawrence changed wrists part way through and then changed back towards the end.

  3. I hear this whining all the time. “I’m doing something my family thinks is anathema, and now they don’t like having me around.” “Why are they such assholes?” Ugh.

    1. If I had seen her with her full face of makeup I would have bet that she was covered in tats.
      The daughter of a friend of mine once said that tattoos never look like fine art, even flowers and cute animals. I think the best they can hope for is a sort of Grandma Moses primitivism, but that is only with one or two tattoos smaller than the palm of one’s hand.

  4. I’m currently on a cruise ship. Cruises attract older people especially older couples who then sunbathe and walk around in skimpy clothing.

    I am shocked and horrified at the number of older and supposedly mature women with tattoos.

    A tattoo on young skin is bad and ugly, a tattoo on dry, old, saggy, cottage cheese textured skin is repulsive beyond belief.

    What the Christly Hell causes a 60-ish over-weight woman to suppose a tattoo on her calf will make her look good?

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