News Roundup

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And some people who have no clue:

...who’s this little gayboy, again?  Has he ever been elected to any office?

Then again:

...seems like these elected officials from Red America know more about the topic than the above gayboy.

...then maybe small-bore cartridges will do the trick? I’m thinking something around .357 (handguns) or 6.5mm (rifles), but I’m always open to alternatives.

And now on to less relevant topics:

...I’m trying to see why this is my problem. the complete surprise of… nobody.

...I’d be too embarrassed to come along too, if I were the little shit who’d blocked all Trump’s border security initiatives.

...this report coming to you from Planet Obvious.

...I think “assisted suicide” should be left to the professionals — i.e. the Clintons.

...sounds about right.

...and this too sounds about right.  No mention of any pre-execution torture, however, which makes me sad.

From the Teacher Of The Year Competition:

...I know, I too wish I were of school-going age right now.

And from our Paige Three Department:

...wherein our girl makes us proud, once again.



...fixed it for them.

Finally, some news of a career change:

...for the Beanpole fans among you.

Now off to keep your careers going, such as they are.


  1. Meghan Markle actually picked a fairly nice way of saying “that rotten ginger fucker lied to me about how rich he was and I’m dumping him the instant some male train loaded with real money comes into my station”

  2. Davie the Pig needs to go wee wee wee all the way home. This little shit’s 15 minutes are up. Why was the microphone shoved into his hate filled gob to start with?

    If you make an effort to quit your addiction then I wish you good luck and I hope they are successful. These drug peddlers and abusers deserve whatever they get. I’m sick of these people willfully choosing to get mixed up with addictive drugs and turning to crime to support their addiction. This is all choices that they made. They chose to give their life over to drugs.

    So Markle admits that she’s a gold digger. who is surprised? She cut off the gravy train when she moved Harry to the west coast of the US or Canada or where ever and they stopped “earning” their stipend by ending their public duties. I thought Harry was smarter than that.

    Paul Ryan is still on the wrong side of the grass? That little prepuce should keep his yap shut. He’s just as bad as McRino, Mittens, Liz Cheney, Chuckie Schumer, DiFI, Blinkie Pelosi, etc.


  3. Regarding the “Russian Roulette” execution:

    They kept using those words. I do not think it means what they think it means.

    I read the article, enthused to hear of some new execution method that involved spinning a cylinder loaded with a single cartridge, to produce something like spin click, spin click, spin BANG! I was wondering if some sort of sentence commutation was included if the condemned survived a certain number of spins.

    But no, that’s not what they were talking about. They were referencing the blank “conscience cartridge” that one random member of the firing squad would be equipped with.

  4. > …for the Beanpole fans among you.

    She looks well proportioned.

    Can I borrow your stepladder?

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