New Time

In the past I’ve scheduled my posts to appear just after 6am Central so that people could read them either before or soon after they got to work — which many people have supported.  But several Longtime Brit and Euro Readers recently asked via email whether I could possibly give them the same opportunity, and it’s an easy change to make.

Henceforth, my daily posts will appear soon after midnight Central, i.e. early morning Over There.  (I have no Asian Readers other than a slew of what appears to be Chinese bots, and my ANZAC Readers will just have to deal with it, as the time difference is too extreme for me to do anything to help them.  Sorry.)

Speaking of Brits, Mr. Free Market shared this wonderful take on modern education with me, and I didn’t want it to be submerged amongst all the other cartoons and memes:

Brilliant.  (I know:  “Theorem” not “Theorum”.  Probably written by a Math guy.)


  1. “Maths” is racist!!!
    A construct by Old White Males to maintain dominion in a patriarchal society.

    1. “A construct by Old White Males to maintain dominion in a patriarchal society.” and keep bridges from collapsing and other mundane stuff.

  2. Given the sad state of history education, it’s not surprising that none of the students rejected anything written by Pythagoras because, being a well off Greek, his family probably had slaves.

    1. heck, he’s just an “old white man”, he can’t be taken seriously.

      Now if he’d been a lesbian black muslim woman…

      1. “Now if he’d been a lesbian black muslim woman…”

        …there’d have been no mathematics.

        1. Pythagoras was Greek, so can’t folks use the gay card for his intersectionality score?

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