1. As long as Gropin’ Joe and Jill (I’m a DOCTOR, dammit!) Biden are in the White House, Hunter is as safe as a cow on a cow-colored street. No way he ever gets convicted of anything that will stick, no matter what evidence comes to light, as long as daddy has his Presidential Pardon Pen handy.

  2. It’s worse than that ! Guaranteed, if one, could somehow, prove it, Hunters
    pardons, ‘get out of anything’ cards, yes, plural, have already been
    written, signed, notarized, carved in stone and are safely in the depository at
    Ft. Knox or somewhere else equally secure. Just in case the
    ‘big guy’ should suffer some sort of fatal mishap. At Epstein’s island
    perhaps, for instance !!??
    Just sayin’

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