1. I warned him never to play “Hide The Finger” again with his cousins…

  2. Ward, you were a little hard on the beaver last night. he heard it and has not left the corner all day!!

  3. Beating off to a video of Shannon Watts and leaving the sound on….WTF is wrong with that kid?

  4. He said he won’t leave the corner until we get him a Bud Lite like the other girls in school.

  5. Him: It’s like Billy forgot Arianism was condemned as a heresy at the First Council of Nicaea in 325. What’s gotten into him?

    Her: I think he’s been listening to Protestants again.

  6. Keep an eye on him. We don’t want him to get hairy palms while he’s in the corner

  7. I told him that you would think of something after you came home from work. They haven’t found the bodies yet.

  8. Another ‘collectable’ in the many innovative covers for Corner Inspection Monthly!
    And we see Madge holding a very ‘tidy whitey’ in this cover for Clean Corners Monthly!
    Neither Jim nor Madge could locate their ‘lost’ son in this hilarious edition of Inter-Dimemsional Corners Periodical!

  9. After Papa Jim returns home from a trans-evening ‘out with the fellows’, young Billy encouragingly compliments him on his trans-choice of eye-shadow… while Madge wonders if a good trans-scrubbing with a trans-hanky will erase the trans-evidence of Jim’s shenanigans!
    To dashingly complete his ensemble for an evening ‘out with the fellows’, Madge encouragingly offers her hanky for his breast pocket!
    Young Billy is ‘invited’ to ‘meditate on the truth’ after foolishly questioning the portrait of The Son Of God with his:
    * “Are you sure they had paints back then?”!

  10. And little Billy never again brought his mum’s rocket ship collection to show and tell.

  11. And then the little fuck said people shouldn’t have more stuff than other folks, it’s just not fair, the government should fix it.

  12. I told you a thousand times not to let that little bastard read Kim du Toit’s blog.

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