Quote Of The Day

From Steve Kruiser:

“The radical leftists don’t have the numbers on any issue, they merely have volume.”

He’s writing in the present tense specifically about the trannie issue, but the truth of the matter is that the radical Left has never had the numbers on any issue, ever.

Which is why they try to rule with a Vanguard, or an unelected Politburo, or by bureaucratic regulation when they can’t get their laws passed.

Always a minority, posing as a majority — just another of their parade of lies ever since they began.


No, not the TV show (although it’s a brilliant one).  I’m talking here about the  old (and untrue) “Texas defense to murder” known as “he needed killing”.

Now I’m also not talking about scumbags I’d like to see dangling at the end of a rope (George Soros, the Clintons, Fatboi Pritzker etc.).

No, I’m talking about your common-or-garden type of asshole such as this dirtbag:

Click on the link above, and feel free to explain to me why someone like this deserves to share the air with us.

You see, in the old days scumbags like this would be handled by brothers, uncles, cousins and so on, who would take this little bully to one side, and after inflicting considerable pain upon him, would caution him against any further kind of aggro against their girl.  And usually, this would be sufficient to end the situation.  But nowadays, of course, these good-hearted protectors would be in trouble, with all the Usual Suspects telling them to let the police / justice system take care of the problem.

Which more often than not leads to this kind of outcome:

A thug jumped for joy as he avoided a prison sentence for shaving his girlfriend’s head and vandalising her home and car during a jealous rage.

Owen James Tysoe, 32, ‘lost his temper’ and screamed ‘you’re a wh**e, you don’t deserve to live’ at his partner of three years on January 29 earlier this year.

The unnamed woman woke up at 7am to find him standing over her, before he started shaving chunks out of her hair.

Of course, it was all “justified”:

Nathalie Carter, representing Tysoe, had earlier said in mitigation that the event was ‘very out-of-character’ and he had ‘lost his very good job as a result’.

The barrister added: ‘Because he was incarcerated they couldn’t hold out that long for him.’ 

She said the incident caused Tysoe to lose his job, where he is said to have been in charge of more than 400 people. 

Ms Carter continued: ‘He knew the man she was having an affair with. They flaunted it in his face while his father was dying.’

Regardless of provocation, this kind of bullshit needs to be stopped — by the Brothers and Cousins Brigade, preferably.  Assuming that all her actions were as represented, all he had to do was leave the woman, but he didn’t.  Instead, he went all 7-year-old on her.

And in a just world, he would receive a sound thrashing instead of what he got at the hands of the court.



Homeschoolers are almost always grilled about their kids not learning “socialization skills” at home.

Uh huh.  In an article headlined “Teacher, 23, snuck into pupil’s home for sordid sex romp while his parents were away“, we see the associated links:

Well, I guess that does classify as socialization… I mean, “sex romps” says it all, really.

En passant:  “snuck”?  In a newspaper headline?

News Roundup

In other Marketing News:

...first principle of marketing:  if you want people to buy something, tell them they can’t have it.  Known by everyone except politicians and Harvard MBAs.

...following the second principle of marketing:  when you’ve fucked up horribly, bribe your way out of the problem.  Even politicians know this one — they invented it.

From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:

...New York being well known for its warm, temperate winters and abundant electrical supply.

...back in a moment:  I’m just going to borrow Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face.

From the Dept. of Nutrition & Health:

...thus preempting Mickey D’s new “Mouseburger” menu item.

From the Dept. of Education:

   …same guy:
  …and related:

...what’s the French for “multi-tasking”?

News in general:

...begging the question:  if there’s no physical strength component, only intellect, then why do Women’s Poker tournaments even exist?

...some scumbag gangbanger, no doubt.  Also:  ask me again why I carry a gun every time I leave the house, when this latest shooting happened in the next town over.

...he could have just shot the beast… oh wait:  Britishland.  Nemmind.



...and Austin Powers was unavailable for comment.


...who she, you ask?

…and that’s all the news we can sea today.