Here’s something guaranteed to stick in my craw, so to speak:
WHISKY is one of the world’s most popular spirits – but you might be making a big mistake when you drink it.
A boozy investigation into the beloved spirit revealed how to unlock the best flavor.
It’s all linked to the addition of water to whiskey, which is thought to “open up” its flavor – but don’t go past the 20% mark, because that can make whiskies taste the same.
Yeah, duh. As any liquid approaches 99% water, it’s going to taste more like water.
I’m more upset with the concept of adding water to whisky. It’s a disgusting habit, and best left to amateur drinkers. (I know, I know, “unlocking the flavor”, like the taste in your mouth is somehow inadequate for the process.)
As any fule kno, the proper way to drink whisky (or even “whiskey”) is to drink it neat, with a glass of cold water on the side.
My only concession is — very occasionally — to add ice to the whisky (never to single malt, though) if I don’t want to get too quickly shitfaced.
Yeah, yeah, it’s all A Question Of Taste, and We’re All Different.
Allowing the addition of water to whisky is the thin end of the wedge, and leads eventually to filth like whisky & tonic and transgender acceptance. You heard it here first.