…back when women didn’t need “HR” to fix their problems. And in similar vein:

...lest federal agents become exposed to lead poisoning? Asking for a friend.
And in more Biden Administration News:

...and why not? He already appointed Pete Buttplug as TransportSec, and look how well that turned out.

...here’s how it works, the way most people see it: if there was “negligence”, it came from not seeing Epstein’s killers going into his cell; and if it was “misconduct”, it was holding his cell door open for them.
In Foreign Bad News:

...and a nation rejoices:

Still in Britishland:

In Groomer News:

...perhaps another reason why Biden wants to ban lead bullets. Just thinking aloud here, Boss.

...can you say “death spiral”, children? I knew you could. And:

...this is known as “lemming marketing”, FYI.

...I have an inclusive term for magazines like this one, but let’s not make Homeland Security any more nervous than they already are.
Ah yes, Africa Wins Again:

...and that was before he could get to South Africa.
Now some Global Cooling Climate Warming Change news:

...alternative title: Sweden Comes To Its Senses. Unlike the next lot:

...having solved all their crime, homeless and public health problems, NYC goes to the next urgent issue.

...yeah, but Over Here we have Amy Schumer, Kathy Griffin and Nancy Pelosi already, so we’re kinda used to the problem.

...Goop, the Early Years.
And in the much-loved INSIGNIFICA department:

Finally, some ShowBiz News:

…and for my Murkin Readers who are not familiar with this Brit ladypopstar:

…and here she was at the aforementioned Glastonbury:

Not a bad way to end the news, really.