Monday Funnies

For some reason, that pic made me think of the Gummint.  Hence the following:


From the despairing New Wife:

And after all that:

Now hand me that can-opener and get on with your day.

Update:  From ever-alert Reader and former Army CPT David B. comes this note:

“Just a heads-up. On the lovely ladies in body armor, you indicated you wanted a can opener. My belief is that those are military uniforms, so a P-38 can opener would be the prescribed tool.”


  1. Lovely lasses in armour, Kim. Apart from the lack of headgear they all look thoroughly sensible too. Check out Jill Bearup on YouTube for scathing criticisms of non-sensible harnesses.

  2. I noticed you don’t have the updated for Pride Month “gov’t and me” drawing. The upskirt should be Sam Brinton.

  3. I volunteer to oil ’em up so they don’t squeak….well, after I’m done oilin’ ’em anyway.

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