1. Bottom pic person on left the Krauts of 1944 would have run a mile if they’d seen that coming. Sets new standards for fugly.

  2. Showed this to a couple of my workmates (no such thing as NSFW around here)

    Gavin: Biological warfare
    Derrick: Show me your war face

  3. What a diff 50 years makes.
    US Army, D Co 54th Engr Bn, Wildflecken Germany, 1974 – 1978.
    Very few females, lots of men on the line all the time. Safest time in world history. Been a steady downhill slide ever since.

    When our son turned 18 in 1997 and had to register I told him, “Don’t even think about joining up. I’ll chain your ass to a tree before I let you ruin your life like that.” He went on to get married, start a business, and reward us with 2 grandchildren. Half a century later I am still a disabled vet and look what this country has become.

  4. What a difference 79 years makes, 57 years ago in the summer of 1966 I joined Uncle Sam’s Good Green Army for four years. I don’t think I saw half a dozen women in uniform during my time. We had one woman come into our Operations Super Secret building during my 36 months in Germany and she was a good looking aid to a General doing a walk through. They knew she was a part of his group and we were warned to be on good behavior before she entered the building.

    Being super secret guys who had about a years training in the states and then several months on the job before we were effective they kind of left us alone and we were smart enough to not push our disrespect too far against them, the lifer’s who we viewed with barely concealed disdain. So when the general made his walk through he asked one of my friends, ‘Where you from boy?’ and the answer was ‘Texas Sir’. The general then replied something about that’s good and is there anything I can help you with. My tall, lanky, goofy Texas friend stood up and said, “Yes Sir, there is one thing I have a problem with, it’s existentialism Sir, I just don’t get it Sir.” And all the higher ranks just stood there trying to decide if laughter or anger was the right response. The general was smart enough to reply, “I understand, I have trouble with that too.” and then he rapidly left the area where all of us morse code intercept guys were by our radios wearing our headsets and trying not to ‘hoot and holler’ which was our usual response to silly shit. That woman with the General did have a nice butt in her tight fitting uniform so we figured she was just a bit of flag rank extra benefits.

      1. Us ‘mill monkeys’ were probably the worst, we all knew we were too smart to be doing what we were doing, yet there we were doing what we were doing, we outsmarted ourselves joining the Army to beat the draft.

        1. Any Herzo Base Ditty Boppers out there, this occurred with the General about 1968. Army Security Agency folk there got real busy when the Russians moved into Czechoslovakia in August of 1968, because of the Ten Offensive in Nam we had not received replacements for eight months and we were short handed. The USSR hit those folk with total radio silence and then their nets went down and all of a sudden by morning we had Russian Cyrillic morse code all over the place.

          I was one of the few guys who knew how to copy the Russians because I taught my self when I was bored working mid-shifts and my speciality was the Berlin Border Brigade who were trained by Russians and was familiar with their hands. The hand is the accent and rhythm of the morse sender and it was a real thing.

          Damn, those were funny and fun years to be in Europe in the late 1960’s. We could show up drunk for any of the three hour shifts as long as we sat in our positions and copied our assigned morse code targets and did a DF each shift, DF was direction find with the guys next door who would see if they were still where we left them last time. We had alcohol available from two o’clock in the morning when the Mid-Shift left the Enlisted Men’s club until 8:00 when the small PX snack bar opened in the morning. They never cared how messed up you were as long as you stayed awake and did your job, copying commie dittys.

          Drunken Soldiers, Always High
          Dropouts from old Sigma Phi
          Men who bitched all the way,
          These are the men from the ASA

          Plastic cans upon our ears,
          We’ve been cleared and
          we’re not Queers
          One Hundred Men will test today,
          But only three make the ASA

          Trained to go from bar to bar,
          That’s the life thats best by far
          Men who drink will seldom fight,
          And the ASA drinks through
          the night

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