Where It Counts

I saw this yesterday (link in pic):

…and it struck me that politicians shouldn’t ever take this at face value.  Why?

Because we gun owners seldom show up to demonstrate.  We do, however, show up at the polls, and in greater numbers than the ninnies carrying silly placards.

Wussy TennGov Bill Lee should take note.

By the way, the anti-gunners aren’t having much success, as this weepy article reveals.


  1. Behind enemy lines we show up in huge disproportionate numbers at legislative testimonies, rallies, lobbying days and our critters at the state house still push their feckless laws.


  2. As a Tennessean, I can confirm that this foolishly called special session is just a circle jerk in which no gun control legislation whatsoever will be passed

    The General Assembly is considering some sentencing enhancements for violent young offenders, but certainly no gun control

    Last year the Governor wanted sentencing reductions enacted into law and what we got instead was minimum time served guidelines similar to Federal required minimum time served guidelines

    In other words, a 10-year sentence for armed robbery equate to 9 or so years (from a probation eligibility standpoint) and not 3 years

    Our Governor is feckless and unprincipled

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