And in related news:

...can’t imagine why, but there’s no accounting for coons’ taste. And speaking of theft:

...i.e. only a hair more than zero.

...and you are, again… oh yeah, as relevant as last year’s rice pudding

...must have had evidence which would convict the Clintons.

...so, no plastic, no paper… this leaves us with only the:

And speaking of drinking:

...given what teaching in public schools is like these days, I can sympathize.

...you had me at “should be going to prison”. Hands up all those who think that nobody’s going to go to prison for this:

Me, neither.


...you mean that both my long-suffering Lady Readers aren’t offended by all my BOOOOBIES pics?

And speaking of boobs:

...only 13?
And now ’tis time for Ye Olde INSIGNIFICA:
...key word: Manchester.
Finally, in Sports News:

...of course this counts as “news”… would I lie to you?

Bouncy-bouncy news. And it’s over.