As I get older, I have to face the fact that my eyesight — never good, now terrible — is at this stage of my life, totally shit. What that means is if I want to continue to enjoy shooting, I shall have to change how I shoot, to whit: no more iron sights (sob) and instead, resort to one of these so-called “red dot” things, such as seen on this little cutie at Collectors:
Here’s the thing. I have always thought that Browning prices their products just a leetle too high, asking a premium that is not really justified… except for their Buckmark .22 pistols, which are not only astoundingly accurate, but have, easily, the best trigger of any .22 pistol — and perhaps the best trigger of any handgun, period. Is that worth a premium price? You’d better believe it.
So at well over $800 for the above — that’s the gun, the Vortex red dot and Collector’s premium, this would take a big gulp and a re-ordering of a few of life’s other offerings (e.g. food) to get this one into Ye Olde Musket Cabinette.
Other than the red dot thing — which looks like a carbuncle on a pretty girl’s face, but which I have most reluctantly accepted as a necessity — everything about this gun is beautiful: the rosewood grips, the heavy brushed-stainless steel barrel, just the look of the thing, all cry out: “Kim, I need a new home!”
And if I had the cash, it would be mine. I’ve owned several Buck Marks in my time — all either given away or sold because poverty — and I miss them badly. As it is, I’m going to have to sell one of the other guns in my safe to get this one.
I mean it.