1. Another its habitat has clear warnings against cushion-change divers, somebody always tempts fate… and the evil love-seat devours another greedy victim!
    The love-seat entices its victims with its evil lure… a surprisingly-lifelike ‘human’ tuchus!
    After Claire is partially-digested by the evil love-seat, her ‘recreational-zone’ bits act as a lure for more unwitting victims!

    1. [that should read…]
      “Although its habitat has clear warnings…”
      I plead the dreaded ‘fat-fingers’ syndrome.
      Less chubby than stacy abrams, but still rotund in all the wrong places.

  2. After her third and worst wipe-out, Claire realised that she may have misunderstood the term “couch surfing”

  3. Brian wondered how long it would take Cheryl to realise why he kept putting the remotes down the back of the settee. But sofa, so good.

  4. No matter how well accessorized, Steve’s couch was never going to win “Best Sofa Of The Year” in the annual Des Moines Festival.

  5. Wendy is so gullible. She spent 10 minutes like this after Sam asked her to harvest a few “couch potatoes” for dinner.

    Not that Sam minded.

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