News Roundup

And into the carnage we dive:

...if by “trials”, Sarah means “mass hangings”, then I agree.

...using Commie money to bail out failed Commie regimes — sounds about right.  And right on cue:

...and speaking of failures:

...not included:  listening to anything that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says.

And in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© news:

...of course, Africa collectively contributes nothing to the “problem” [/sarc], but that won’t stop them from hustling to get more money from Whitey.

...just another entry in the Climate Lies Journal.

And speaking of that thing:

...yet another example of “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

...I dunno;  I would say that vodka is a more essential part of the “college experience” than 90% of professors, and just behind condoms.

...actually, for any nation’s crime.

...key word:  Canada.  (Okay, India.  Fooled you there for a minute though, huh?)

...whatever punishment she suggests, under the Equal Protection Clause it should be inflicted on 99% of women. might say the same thing about having a conversation with women.

...nice to know that it’s not only Murkins and Brits who can be “asshole tourists”.



...why anyone should be interested in this fat old tart’s sexual preferences is beyond me.

By the way, if you know what she looks like, you’ll have this reaction to a visual of her in “reverse cowgirl”:

Finally, a heartfelt “Welcome back!” to Paige Three News:

...share it with us, baby:

I think we can end the slaughter there.

One comment

  1. Biggest maternity scandal: click on the link then ask yourself, How the FUCK did she get pregnant?

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